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Python package for HTTP/1.1 style headers. Parse headers to objects. Most advanced available structure for http headers.


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HTTP Headers, the Complete Toolkit 🧰

Object-oriented headers. Kind of structured headers.
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❓ Why

No matter if you are currently dealing with code using HTTP or IMAP (message, email), you should not worry about easily accessing and exploiting headers.

using kiss-headers from python interpreter

I have seen so many chunks of code trying to deal with these headers; often I saw this implementation:

# No more of that!
charset = headers['Content-Type'].split(';')[-1].split('=')[-1].replace('"', '')
# That too..
response = get(
        "user-agent": "custom/2.22",
        "referer": "",
        "accept": "text/html",
        "accept-language": "en-US",
        "custom-header-xyz": "hello; charset=utf-8"

Scroll down and see how you could do it from now on.

🔪 Features

kiss-headers is a basic library that allow you to handle headers as objects.

  • A backwards-compatible syntax using bracket style.
  • Capability to alter headers using simple, human-readable operator notation + and -.
  • Flexibility if headers are from an email or HTTP, use as you need with one library.
  • Ability to parse any object and extract recognized headers from it, it also supports UTF-8 encoded headers.
  • Offer an opinionated way to un/serialize headers.
  • Fully type-annotated.
  • Provide great auto-completion in Python interpreter or any capable IDE.
  • No dependencies. Never will be.
  • Support JSON in header value.
  • 90% test coverage.

Plus all the features that you would expect from handling headers...

  • Properties syntax for headers and attribute in a header.
  • Supports headers and attributes OneToOne, OneToMany and ManySquashedIntoOne.
  • Capable of parsing bytes, fp, str, dict, email.Message, requests.Response, niquests.Response, httpx._models.Response and urllib3.HTTPResponse.
  • Automatically unquote and unfold the value of an attribute when retrieving it.
  • Keep headers and attributes ordering.
  • Case-insensitive with header name and attribute key.
  • Character - equal _ in addition of above feature.
  • Any syntax you like, we like.

✨ Installation

Whatever you like, use pipenv or pip, it simply works. Requires Python 3.7+ installed.

pip install kiss-headers --upgrade

This project is included in Niquests! Your awesome drop-in replacement for Requests!

🍰 Usage

Quick start

parse_it() method takes bytes, str, fp, dict, email.Message or even a requests.Response or httpx._models.Response itself and returns a Headers object.

from requests import get
from kiss_headers import parse_it

response = get('')
headers = parse_it(response)

headers.content_type.charset  # output: ISO-8859-1
# Its the same as
headers["content-type"]["charset"]  # output: ISO-8859-1

and also, the other way around:

from requests import get
from kiss_headers import Headers, UserAgent, Referer, UpgradeInsecureRequests, Accept, AcceptLanguage, CustomHeader

class CustomHeaderXyz(CustomHeader):

    __squash__ = False

    def __init__(self, charset: str = "utf-8"):
        super().__init__("hello", charset=charset)

# Officially supported with requests
response = get(

httpbin should get back with:

    "headers": {
        "Accept": "text/html",
        "Accept-Encoding": "identity",
        "Accept-Language": "en-US",
        "Custom-Header-Xyz": "hello; charset=\"utf-8\"",
        "Host": "",
        "Referer": "",
        "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
        "User-Agent": "custom/2.22",
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-622sz46b-973c5671113f58d611972de"

Do not forget that headers are not OneToOne. One header can be repeated multiple times and attributes can have multiple values within the same header.

from kiss_headers import parse_it

my_cookies = """set-cookie: 1P_JAR=2020-03-16-21; expires=Wed, 15-Apr-2020 21:27:31 GMT; path=/;; Secure; SameSite=none
set-cookie: CONSENT=WP.284b10; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;"""

headers = parse_it(my_cookies)

type(headers.set_cookie)  # output: list
headers.set_cookie[0].expires # output: Wed, 15-Apr-2020 21:27:31 GMT
headers.set_cookie[0]._1p_jar # output: 2020-03-16-21
headers.set_cookie[0]["1P_JAR"] # output: 2020-03-16-21

Since v2.1 you can transform an Header object to its target CustomHeader subclass to access more methods.

from kiss_headers import parse_it, get_polymorphic, SetCookie

my_cookies = """set-cookie: 1P_JAR=2020-03-16-21; expires=Wed, 15-Apr-2020 21:27:31 GMT; path=/;; Secure; SameSite=none
set-cookie: CONSENT=WP.284b10; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;"""

headers = parse_it(my_cookies)

type(headers.set_cookie[0])  # output: Header

set_cookie = get_polymorphic(headers.set_cookie[0], SetCookie)

type(set_cookie)  # output: SetCookie

set_cookie.get_cookie_name()  # output: 1P_JAR
set_cookie.get_expire()  # output: datetime(...)

Just a note: Accessing a header that has the same name as a reserved keyword must be done this way :

headers = parse_it('From: Ousret;\nIS: 1\nWhile: Not-True')

# this flavour
headers.from_ # to access From, just add a single underscore to it
# or.. just using :


Since version 2.3.0 the package offer the possibility to un/serialize Headers.

from requests import get
from kiss_headers import parse_it, dumps

json_repr: str = dumps(

print(json_repr)  # See the result bellow

# Additionally, how to parse the JSON repr to Headers again
headers = parse_it(json_repr)  # Yes! that easy!
    "Date": [
            "Tue, 02 Feb 2021 21:43:13 GMT": null
    "Expires": [
            "-1": null
    "Cache-Control": [
            "private": null
            "max-age": "0"
    "Content-Type": [
            "text/html": null,
            "charset": "ISO-8859-1"
    "P3P": [
            "CP": "This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
    "Content-Encoding": [
            "gzip": null
    "Server": [
            "gws": null
    "X-XSS-Protection": [
            "0": null
    "X-Frame-Options": [
            "SAMEORIGIN": null
    "Set-Cookie": [
            "NID": "208=D5XUqjrP9PNpiZu4laa_0xvy_IxBzQLtfxqeAqcPBgiY2y5sfSF51IFuXZnH0zDAF1KZ8x-0VsRyGOM0aStIzCUfdiPBOCxHSxUv39N0vwzku3aI2UkeRXhWw8-HWw5Ob41GB0PZi2coQsPM7ZEQ_fl9PlQ_ld1KrPA",
            "expires": "Wed, 04-Aug-2021 21:43:13 GMT",
            "path": "/",
            "domain": "",
            "HttpOnly": null
            "CONSENT": "PENDING+880",
            "expires": "Fri, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT",
            "path": "/",
            "domain": ""
    "Alt-Svc": [
            "h3-29": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000"
            "h3-T051": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000"
            "h3-Q050": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000"
            "h3-Q046": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000"
            "h3-Q043": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000"
            "quic": ":443",
            "ma": "2592000",
            "v": "46,43"
    "Transfer-Encoding": [
            "chunked": null

Alternatively you may use from kiss_headers import parse_it, encode, decode to transform Headers to dict (instead of JSON) or the other way around. Understand that the dict returned in encode will differ from the method to_dict() in Headers.

🛠️ Create headers from objects

Introduced in the version 2.0, kiss-headers now allow you to create headers with more than 40+ ready-to-use, fully documented, header objects.

1st example usage

from kiss_headers import Headers, Authorization
from requests import get

response = get("", headers=Headers(Authorization("Bearer", "qwerty")))
print(response.status_code)  # 200

2nd example usage

from kiss_headers import *

headers = (
    + UserAgent(
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
    + Accept("text/html")
    + Accept("application/xhtml+xml")
    + Accept("application/xml", qualifier=0.9)
    + Accept(qualifier=0.8)
    + AcceptLanguage("en-US")
    + AcceptLanguage("en", qualifier=0.5)
    + AcceptEncoding("gzip")
    + AcceptEncoding("deflate")
    + AcceptEncoding("br")
    + Referer("")
    + Connection(should_keep_alive=True)
    + UpgradeInsecureRequests()
    + IfModifiedSince("Mon, 18 Jul 2016 02:36:04 GMT")
    + IfNoneMatch("c561c68d0ba92bbeb8b0fff2a9199f722e3a621a")
    + CacheControl(max_age=0)

raw_headers = str(headers)

raw_headers now retain the following :

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml; q="0.9", */*; q="0.8"
Accept-Language: en-US, en; q="0.5"
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
If-Modified-Since: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 02:36:04 GMT
If-None-Match: "c561c68d0ba92bbeb8b0fff2a9199f722e3a621a"
Cache-Control: max-age="0"

See the complete list of available header class in the full documentation. Also, you can create your own custom header object using the class kiss_headers.CustomHeader.

📜 Documentation

See the full documentation for advanced usages :

👤 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are very much welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.

Firstly, after getting your own local copy, run ./scripts/install to initialize your virtual environment. Then run ./scripts/check before you commit, make sure everything is still working.

Remember to keep it sweet and simple when contributing to this project.

📝 License

Copyright © 2020 Ahmed TAHRI @Ousret.
This project is MIT licensed.