Django ORM basics, with some tips and tricks, for writing optimal queries.
Make sure you have python 3.6 installed, and is the default python3 on your system. There's a docker-compose file included for running postgres in a docker container if you don't want to install postgres locally.
Make sure you edit the DATABASES
setting in shop/shop/
if you
aren't running postgres
using Docker Toolbelt for OSX
xcode-select --install # OSX only - skip if xcode is already installed
docker-compose up -d db
pip install pipenv
git clone [email protected]:jarshwah/optimising-django-queries.git
cd optimising-django-queries
pipenv --three install
pipenv shell # activates the virtual environment
cd shop
./ migrate
The above commands will install all the dependencies needed.
When developing it's a good idea to have logging configured so that queries are printed to the console. A neverending stream of SQL queries in your terminal is your first hint that you might have some performance issues.
Below is an extremely minimal config you can add (or merge) into your settings file:
DEBUG = True
'version': 1,
'filters': {
'require_debug_true': {
'()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue',
'handlers': {
'console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'filters': ['require_debug_true'],
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'loggers': {
'django.db.backends': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['console'],
You can also inspect previously executed queries directly from the django
shell, provided you've set DEBUG = True
in your settings file. Django will
only remember 9000 queries to avoid memory issues.
In [1]: from django.db import connection, reset_queries
In [2]: print(connection.queries)
'sql': 'SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price" FROM "shop_product" ORDER BY "shop_product"."id" ASC LIMIT 1',
'time': '0.001'
In [3]: reset_queries()
In [4]: print(connection.queries)
The Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) is an abstraction that uses python objects to represent database tables and the relations between them.
Foreign Keys are the primary way of defining how two tables are related. They provide a link from one table to the key of another table. These kind of relationships are commonly called Many-To-One (M-1) because there are Many products that map to One Category.
id | name | category_id |
1 | Samsung 65 inch | 1 |
2 | Samsung 75 inch | 1 |
3 | Juicer | 2 |
id | name |
1 | TVs |
2 | Homeware |
In the tables above, you can see that product with id = 3
is a Juicer
, in
the category
with id = 2
. The data is related
by the category_id
foreign key pointing to the id
field in the Category
The SQL to retrieve the Juicer
with it's category
would be something like:
FROM product
JOIN category
ON product.category_id =
WHERE = 'Juicer';
1 | Juicer | 2 | Homeware
The equivalent python
code would be:
>>> product = Product.objects.get(name='Juicer')
>>> print(,,,
1 Juicer 2 Homeware
You can see that accessing a foreign key in python is equivalent to accessing an attribute or property.
It's also possible to start from Category
and find all linked Products
. But
since we represent data as rows, and a Category
can have multiple Products
it means we'll end up repeating the same category multiple times.
FROM category
JOIN product
ON = product.category_id
1 | TVs | Samsung 65 inch
1 | TVs | Samsung 75 inch
This is a multivalue relation, as there are multiple links between a category and the products within that category. This is sometimes referred to as a One-To-Many (1-M) relationship.
Since Django wants to avoid returning duplicate data, it represents multivalue
relations as lists
>>> category = Category.objects.get(name='TVs')
>>> print(,
1 TVs
>>> for product in category.product_set.all():
... print(
Samsung 65 inch
Samsung 75 inch
There's a third type of relationship in a database called Many To Many (M-M), which models multiple rows in a table linking to multiple rows in another table. This is really just a special case of Multivalue relationships, with an extra table inbetween the two for tracking the links.
Consider a Product table and a Size table, where multiple products will share similar sizing.
id | name |
1 | Jumper |
2 | Tshirt |
id | name |
1 | Small |
2 | Large |
Product Size
id | product_id | size_id |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 2 |
FROM product
JOIN productsize
ON = productsize.product_id
JOIN size
ON productsize.size_id =
Jumper Small
Jumper Large
Tshirt Small
The django ORM hides the ProductSize
mapping table (through relation) by
default, but it's possible to define it yourself. For a many-to-many relation,
django models both sides as lists.
>>> product = Product.objects.get(name='Jumper')
>>> for size in product.sizes.all():
... print(
>>> size = Size.objects.get(name='Large')
>>> for product in size.product_set.all():
... print(
Django models represent database tables as classes, rows as instances of those classes, and columns as attributes.
Here we'll see three models, with the relationships between them defined as fields.
class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
class Feature(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
value = models.CharField(max_length=32)
visible = models.BooleanField(default=True)
class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
features = models.ManyToManyField(Feature)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
is the interesting model here, as it has both a ForeignKey
pointing to Category
, and a ManyToMany
field pointing to multiple
As we learned before, foreign keys are represented with simple attribute
access. Given a product
, we access the category via the product.category
But what is Django doing to get the data from the database? How many queries
does it need to fetch both product
and product.category
? In our examples
above, we seen that all of this data can be generated with a single SQL query.
If we turn on SQL logging (see above), we can see the queries being executed as we work.
In [24]: product = Product.objects.get(pk=1)
SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product"
WHERE "shop_product"."id" = 1
In [25]: category = product.category
SELECT "shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_category"
WHERE "shop_category"."id" = 2
Django fetches data linked by ForeignKey
on-demand. The main reason for
doing this, is that you could have an extremely deep hierarchy of ForeignKeys,
but you probably wouldn't want Django to pull all of that data back.
But there is a way to be explicit, and tell Django which relations it should fetch eagerly.
If you want Django to join the data via SQL and return it in a single query, you can use select_related().
In [26]: product = Product.objects.select_related('category').get(pk=1)
"shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price", "shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_product"
INNER JOIN "shop_category" ON ("shop_product"."category_id" = "shop_category"."id")
WHERE "shop_product"."id" = 1;
In [27]: category = product.category
Here we see that, indeed, a single query is executed to retrieve the product and the category.
You might have heard the term 1 + N
or N + 1
queries. It's a common
pitfall when using ORMs to retrieve data from a database.
Let's say we have 3 products, and we want to show the product name and the category it came from. First, we'll do it the naive way:
In [27]: for p in Product.objects.all():
...: print(,
(0.001) SELECT
"shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name",
"shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product";
(0.000) SELECT
"shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_category"
WHERE "shop_category"."id" = 1;
Samsung 65 inch TVs
(0.001) SELECT "shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_category" WHERE "shop_category"."id" = 1;
Samsung 75 inch TVs
(0.000) SELECT "shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_category" WHERE "shop_category"."id" = 2;
Juicer Homeware
We executed a single query (1) for the product, then we executed an extra query for each product to get the category (N). This introduces a lot of latency, as each query is a new network request, and the database has to recompile and execute lots of very similar queries.
Using select_related
avoids this issue, allowing data for all Products and
Categories to be retrieved once.
In [28]: for p in Product.objects.select_related('category').all():
...: print(,
(0.005) SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name",
"shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price",
"shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_product"
INNER JOIN "shop_category"
ON ("shop_product"."category_id" = "shop_category"."id");
Samsung 65 inch TVs
Samsung 75 inch TVs
Juicer Homeware
's models a list of data. You generally iterate over many
to many fields. Given a product
, we access its features via the
Remembering that Django tries to avoid returning duplicate data, it must execute two queries in this instance. One to get the Product, and another to get the features for that product. Again, with SQL logging activated, we can see exactly what's happening under the hood.
In [29]: for p in Product.objects.all()[0:3]:
...: print('Product: ',
...: for f in p.features.all():
...: print(, ': ', f.value)
...: print()
SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product";
Product: Samsung 65 inch
(0.008) SELECT
"shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE "shop_product_features"."product_id" = 1 ;
Supplier : Samsung
Size : 65 inches
Colour : Black
Product: Samsung 75 inch
SELECT "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE "shop_product_features"."product_id" = 2;
Supplier : Samsung
Size : 75 inches
Colour : Black
Product: Juicer
SELECT "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE "shop_product_features"."product_id" = 3;
Colour : LightSeaGreen
Colour : SpringGreen
Colour : Azure
This is a perfect example of a 1 + N
query. We executed 1
query to fetch
products. Then we issued 1
query for each product N
to get the features.
Luckily, Django has a way to reduce the number of queries executed when dealing with lists of related data too.
The prefetch_related()
queryset method is what Django provides to help minimise the number of queries
required to get the data we need. It's more complicated than select_related
but it comes with a lot of power.
We can't actually get the data we need with a single query. But we can do it in
two, which is 1 + 1
queries. One for the product, and then a single query to
fetch all of the features for all of the products.
In [30]: for p in Product.objects.prefetch_related('features').all()[0:3]:
...: print('Product: ',
...: for f in p.features.all():
...: print(, ': ', f.value)
...: print()
SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product";
("shop_product_features"."product_id") AS "_prefetch_related_val_product_id", "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE "shop_product_features"."product_id" IN (1, 2, 3);
Product: Samsung 65 inch
Supplier : Samsung
Size : 65 inches
Colour : Black
Product: Samsung 75 inch
Supplier : Samsung
Size : 75 inches
Colour : Black
Product: Juicer
Colour : LightSeaGreen
Colour : SpringGreen
Colour : Azure
Prefetching works by issuing the first query, gathering all of the product
s returned, and then issuing the second query for all features that match
the list of product id
s. It then uses these features as a cache whenever you
attempt to access product.features.all()
With great power, comes great responsibility. There are a number of ways to
abuse prefetch_related
, or to skip using the cache you created and execute
new queries.
Prefetching can end up using quite a bit of memory if there are lots of
relations. If we were querying for 10,000 products, and each product had 10
features, django would first issue a query to features with a WHERE
containing 10,000 id
s which is generally not good for a database. But then
it'd return 100,000 features that it would have to keep cached in memory.
Prefetching only works when you access the many to many field using .all()
But it is possible to further filter the many to many field using .filter()
and other queryset methods.
In [31]: product = Product.objects.prefetch_related('features').get(pk=1)
SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product"
WHERE "shop_product"."id" = 1; args=(1,)
SELECT ("shop_product_features"."product_id") AS "_prefetch_related_val_product_id", "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE "shop_product_features"."product_id" IN (1);
In [32]: product.features.get(name='Supplier').value
SELECT "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features" ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE ("shop_product_features"."product_id" = 1 AND "shop_feature"."name" = 'Supplier');
Our cache isn't able to interpret extra database operations, so django is forced to execute another query.
Django provides an iterator()
queryset method, which allows django to fetch instances as it iterates through
a loop, rather than loading the entire result set in to memory at once. Since
prefetch_related relies on the entire result being available so that it can
collect all the id
s, refetch_related
has no effect when used with
Given a ForeignKey
field linking a product
to a category
, Django will
setup the reverse link from a category
to the set (or list) of products
The convention is to name the reverse field modelname_set
, but this can be
For our examples above, we'd access the products of a category using
In [33]: category = Category.objects.get(pk=1)
SELECT "shop_category"."id", "shop_category"."name"
FROM "shop_category" WHERE "shop_category"."id" = 1;
In [34]: products = list(category.product_set.all())
SELECT "shop_product"."id", "shop_product"."name", "shop_product"."category_id", "shop_product"."price"
FROM "shop_product"
WHERE "shop_product"."category_id" = 1;
Reverse relations function identically to ManyToMany
fields, so they can be
prefetched, filtered, or ordered.
Use select_related()
on ForeignKey
fields only. It has no affect on
s or reverse relations.
select_related is used to access a single related object
Use prefetch_related()
on ManyToManyField
s or reverse relations. It can
also be used on ForeignKey
fields, but select_related
is nearly always a
better choice.
prefetch_related is used to access multiple related objects
Given the following count of objects in the database, how many queries are executed for each example below?
- 1000 products
- 5 categories (200 products per category)
- 5000 features (10 features per product, some shared)
In [35]: for p in Product.objects.all():
...: print(
...: for feature in p.features.all():
...: print(f'{}: {feature.value}')
2001 - 1 for product, 1000 for category, 1000 for featuresIn [36]: for p in Product.objects.select_related('category').all():
...: print(
...: for feature in p.features.all():
...: print(f'{}: {feature.value}')
1001 - 1 for product and category, and 1000 for featuresIn [37]: for p in Product.objects.prefetch_related('features').all():
...: print(
...: for feature in p.features.all():
...: print(f'{}: {feature.value}')
1002 - 1 for product, 1000 for category, and 1 for featuresIn [38]: for p in Product.objects.select_related(
...: 'category'
...: ).prefetch_related('features').all():
...: print(
...: for feature in p.features.all():
...: print(f'{}: {feature.value}')
2 - 1 for product and category, and 1 for featuresIn [39]: for p in Product.objects.select_related(
...: 'category'
...: ).prefetch_related('features').all():
...: print(
...: for feature in p.features.filter(name='Supplier'):
...: print(f'{}: {feature.value}')
1003 - 1 for product and category, and 1 for features cache, 1000 for featuresThere are a bunch of optimisations you can make at the SQL layer, some of them obvious, some of them requiring a great deal of knowledge about the specific database you're using. We're going to focus on the optimisations we can make at the django ORM level.
This one is fairly simple. Don't sort results if they don't absolutely need to be sorted! Sorting can often take up a large portion of the actual query time.
postgres=# explain analyze select * from shop_product;
Seq Scan on shop_product (cost=0.00..1.30 rows=30 width=104) (actual time=0.011..0.014 rows=30 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.049 ms
Execution time: 0.031 ms
postgres=# explain analyze select * from shop_product order by price;
Sort (cost=2.04..2.11 rows=30 width=104) (actual time=0.031..0.033 rows=30 loops=1)
Sort Key: price
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 27kB
-> Seq Scan on shop_product (cost=0.00..1.30 rows=30 width=104) (actual time=0.009..0.013 rows=30 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.060 ms
Execution time: 0.051 ms
Sometimes, though, sneaky awful ORM developers will add a default ordering to models. So even though we aren't adding ordering ourselves, there is an implicit ordering added to every single query against that model.
class Feature(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
value = models.CharField(max_length=32)
visible = models.BooleanField(default=True)
class Meta:
ordering = ['name']
In [13]: features = list(Feature.objects.all())
SELECT "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
ORDER BY "shop_feature"."name" ASC;
You can be explicit about removing any default ordering though, which is
especially important when doing any kind of aggregation. Ordering fields are
added to the GROUP BY
, which can give incorrect results if you weren't
expecting them.
In [14]: features = list(Feature.objects.order_by())
SELECT "shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature";
Much better.
You want your filters (WHERE clauses) to be as restrictive as possible. You
want to return the fewest possible number of rows at each step of a query. This
includes __in
filters with subqueries!
Let's write a queryset, and explain analyze
the SQL that would have been
In [21]: features = Feature.objects.filter(
name='Supplier', product__in=Product.objects.filter(price__gt=500)
In [22]: print(features.query)
"shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features"
ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE ("shop_feature"."name" = 'Supplier' AND "shop_product_features"."product_id" IN (
SELECT U0."id" AS Col1
FROM "shop_product" U0 WHERE U0."price" > 500
ORDER BY "shop_feature"."name" ASC
postgres=# explain analyze SELECT
"shop_feature"."id", "shop_feature"."name", "shop_feature"."value", "shop_feature"."visible"
FROM "shop_feature"
INNER JOIN "shop_product_features" ON ("shop_feature"."id" = "shop_product_features"."feature_id")
WHERE ("shop_feature"."name" = 'Supplier' AND "shop_product_features"."product_id" IN (
SELECT U0."id" AS Col1
FROM "shop_product" U0 WHERE U0."price" > 500)
ORDER BY "shop_feature"."name" ASC;
Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=15.29..21.03 rows=1 width=169) (actual time=0.034..0.034 rows=0 loops=1)
-> Hash Join (cost=15.15..20.76 rows=1 width=173) (actual time=0.034..0.034 rows=0 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (shop_product_features.feature_id =
-> Seq Scan on shop_product_features (cost=0.00..4.62 rows=262 width=8) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=15.12..15.12 rows=2 width=169) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=1)
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 8kB
-> Seq Scan on shop_feature (cost=0.00..15.12 rows=2 width=169) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=1)
Filter: ((name)::text = 'Supplier'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 35
-> Index Scan using shop_product_pkey on shop_product u0 (cost=0.14..0.20 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (id = shop_product_features.product_id)
Filter: (price > '500'::numeric)
Planning time: 0.313 ms
Execution time: 0.093 ms
(14 rows)
Indexes are usually the first thing people think about when trying to optimise a query. Finding the ideal set of indexes to add to a particular table is an art form, and always evolving depending on the number and nature of various queries hitting that table.
When you add an index, always check to see if it's being used. Simply having
one does not mean it'll be used. EXPLAIN ANALYZE
a couple of real queries
before and after.
Good candidates for indexes (all conditions below should be met):
- A table with rows > 100 or so. A table with fewer rows will probably just scan each row.
- A column that has lots of different values (cardinality). No use having an index if it matches 50% of data.
- If 50% of your data is NULL, but the rest is quite varied, then a
filtered index
might be a good fit. - If many different queries use the same column in a WHERE clause
- Consider multiple column index if multiple columns exist in a WHERE clause
- Order is important in multiple column indexes. Use the most common column first.
- If there are lots of different WHERE clauses in a single query, an index is sometimes unlikely to be used.
Model objects are very expensive to construct. For large querysets, it can often add up to a significant percentage of overall time spent in python. Fields need to be set, signals need to fire, reverse relations need to be set up. There's a lot of work that goes into building up the model hierarchy.
If you just need the data from the database, and don't need to access model properties at all, then use a values() or a values_list() method, which returns the data as simple dictionaries or tuples instead.
In [25]: %time model_objects = list(Product.objects.all())
CPU times: user 985 µs, sys: 1.92 ms, total: 2.9 ms
Wall time: 3.09 ms
In [26]: %time model_objects = list(Product.objects.values())
CPU times: user 978 µs, sys: 465 µs, total: 1.44 ms
Wall time: 1.65 ms
In [27]: %time model_objects = list(Product.objects.values('name', 'price'))
CPU times: user 704 µs, sys: 597 µs, total: 1.3 ms
Wall time: 1.39 ms
Some people like to speak about Fat Models, meaning that a lot of logic is encapsulated within methods and properties of the model itself. This can be a good thing in some cases, unless the method depends on data in a different table, or a different model depends on the calculation in your method.
Ideally, we can execute a single query (plus any necessary prefetches) to get all of the information we need for a particular goal. Sometimes though, we don't get to choose how the query is constructed, or how it's used once executed.
If you need to use a model method for a particular calculation, then you have to have that python object available. You're no longer just depending on the database.
Here's an example:
def customer_price(self):
return Price.objects.get(
Now, a bunch of views and other models rely on this customer_price
so they need to construct a full model object, but it'll also execute a query
every time the price needs to be shown. This can be hugely expensive when
iterating over a large list of products.
Instead, design your models so that all important questions can be answered
with a values
Query expressions can be extremely helpful by performing calculations across a set of objects, rather than performing them in python for each object. See my presentation/talk on customising sql for more ideas.
Prefetch is a class that gives users greater control over the query executed to fill the cache.
In our examples earlier, we seen what happened when you add filtering onto a
ManyToMany field -- it'll skip the cache. But if you only really care about
a subset of the related values, you can filter it in the Prefetch
In [29]: products = (
...: Product
...: .objects
...: .select_related('category')
...: .prefetch_related(
...: Prefetch('features', queryset=Feature.objects.filter(name='Supplier'))
...: )
...: )
In [30]: for p in products:
...: for f in p.features.all():
...: print(f'{}: {f.value}')
Samsung 65 inch: Samsung
Samsung 75 inch: Samsung
Juicer: Breville
That's only two queries.
Sometimes it's just not possible to avoid adding complex behaviour into our
models. But we can design our methods to be as optimal as possible locally,
while allowing a savvy caller that's using Prefetch
to take it even further.
This is a pattern I haven't seen in the wild before, and I was surprised it worked.
The concept is to cache the results of the many to many field on first access, and to perform all filtering from within python. This keeps any access of the many to many field down to a single query maximum per instance.
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
class Product(models.Model):
features = models.ManyToManyField(Feature)
def all_features(self):
return list(self.features.all())
def visible_features_python(self):
return [feature for feature in self.all_features if feature.visible]
def invisible_features_python(self):
return [feature for feature in self.all_features if not feature.visible]
If visible_features_python
is accessed, all features will be queried, stored
on the instance, and then only the visible features are returned. If
is accessed after that, we skip the query execution,
and immediately filter the cached values. We've reduced the number of queries
from 2 to 1 for each Product. 500 products will result in 501 queries.
The great trick here, is that we can use a Prefetch
objects to store our
cache directly on the all_features
property, so that any access of visible
or invisible features results in 0 extra queries per product!
In [33]: products = (
...: Product
...: .objects
...: .select_related('category')
...: .prefetch_related(
...: Prefetch(
...: 'features',
...: queryset=Feature.objects.all(),
...: to_attr='all_features')
...: )
...: )
In [34]: for p in products:
...: for f in p.visible_features_python:
...: print(f'{}: {f.value}')
There are a total of 2 queries executed for this query. 1 for the products, and 1 for the features prefetch cache.
This pattern allows models to retain their methods and properties, while allowing callers to inject ideal caches into a large number of objects for very little cost.
We started by going through how the Django ORM maps database concepts to
python concepts, mainly through relations. How relations work is important
when trying to optimise query counts with select_related
Then we went over some techniques for improving performance of our queries. The concepts were:
- Reduction in number of queries - avoiding 1 + N queries.
- Utilising data caches to avoid going to the database.
- Making the database do less work:
- Avoid sorting
- Filter the data as much as possible
- Create indexes to efficiently filter
- Prefer performing calculations at the queryset level, rather than the model instance level.
- Design your models so that callers can take advantage by providing prefetch caches.
What tips and tricks do you use for query performance tuning?