Data-Migration-Tool (Datafall) is a tool that migrates the data from one Salesforce Org to another Salesforce Org.
Migrating data between orgs can be a daunting ask, this is specially true if you have a complex data model in the form of parent-child, hierarchical, lookups, record types etc relationships.
Doing so manually is error prone, time consuming, frustrating and not an ideal approach. We wrote a Java based tool using Salesforce SOAP to migrate the data from one Salesforce Org to another Salesforce Org. Data-Migration-Tool tool lets you migrate the data from one Salesforce Org to another Salesforce Org. This is a standalone java tool that one can run from a local machine.
- datamigrator-core: This module has tools core classes
- datamigrator-module: This module has sample examples on how the tool can be used to migrate different kind of related objects from one Salesforce org to another Salesforce org. datamigrator-module contains sample JSON object relationship mappings.
git clone [email protected]:forcedotcom/Data-Migration-Tool.git
cd Data-Migration-Tool
mvn clean install
# Enter Source and Target org credentials in `/datamigrator-module/src/main/resources/`
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateProducts" -pl datamigrator-module
You can load the project into your IDE and run the main class to kick-off the migration. We recommend using Eclipse. Because this tool is a standard Maven project, you can import it into your IDE using the root pom.xml
file. In Eclipse, choose Open from the File menu -> Import -> Maven -> and select Existing Maven Projects
-> select the the root folder.
After opening the project in Eclipse, you will see below two modules:
- datamigrator-core: This module has tools core classes
- datamigrator-module: Contains the mapping and main java classes to run the migration
Tool comes with many main classes as a way to show different kind of mappings and migrations:
- Main Class:
- Main Class:
- Main Class:
- Main Class:
and many more...
To avoid creating duplicates in the target org, use external ids. This section has some examples using external ids.
Migrate a simple object's records (no relationships)
# Edit the object-mappings/Products.json with your object API name, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateOnlyProducts" -pl datamigrator-module
Migrate an object with lookups (Pricebook2 with lookup to Product) relationship
# Edit the object-mappings/Products.json, PricebookEntry_nonstandard.json, PricebookEntry_standard.json with your object API name, save.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateProducts" -pl datamigrator-module
Migrate an object with lookups (Pricebook2 with lookup to Product) relationship with External Ids
# Edit the object-mappings/Products_extId.json, PricebookEntry_nonstandard_extId.json, PricebookEntry_standard_extId.json with your object API name, save.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateProductsWithExternalId" -pl datamigrator-module
Migrate object's with masterdetail (Accounts/Assets/Oppties) relationships
# Edit the object-mappings/AccountwithAssetsAndOppties.json with your object API names, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateAccounts" -pl datamigrator-module
Migrate object's with hierarchical relationships
# Edit the object-mappings/AccountwithAssetsAndOppties_hierarchical.json with your object API names, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateAccountsHierarchical" -pl datamigrator-module
Migrate multiple object's in a single run
# Edit the object-mappings as referenced in with your object API names, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateAll" -pl
Migrate Accounts with Opportunities and Assets. Make sure you edit the JSON with your external ids from Accounts with Opportunities and Assets objects.
# Edit the object-mappings/AccountwithAssetsAndOppties_hierarchical.json with your object's external Id API name, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MigrateAccountsHierarchical" pl datamigrator-module
Delete a simple object's records
# Edit the object-mappings/Products.json with your object API name, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.DeleteProducts" -pl datamigrator-module
Delete multiple object's records in a single run
# Edit the object-mappings as referenced in with your object API names, save
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.DeleteAll" -pl datamigrator-module
Compare objects Metadata in source and target org
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.MetadataCompareExample" object1,object2 -pl datamigrator-module
Given a set of objects, create a JSON mapping structure
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.GenerateMappingExample" object1,object2 -pl datamigrator-module
Once migration has completed, you may want to compare the number of records in source and target org
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="migrator.module.client.ValidateExample" object1,object2 -pl datamigrator-module
For more information, see the wiki
Anoop Singh by [Anoop Singh](mailto:[email protected], [email protected])