SimCity201 Project Repository for CS 201 students
-A* and the entire movement manager
-thread safe messages
-Person agent
-Puppet agent
-Housing agents and gui
-People integration into cityGui and interacting with buildings
-helping everyone on the team survive this project
-city gui
-drawing the city background
-panels and gui that the user will interact with
-building integration into cityGui
-bus agent
-trace panel
-design docs for bus agent
-Entire restaurant arena, including design docs and inside gui
-All Restaurant Unit Tests
-Code to force shutdown buildings
-Apartments, including design docs and inside gui
-Entire market arena
-Entire gui for the market arena
-All Market Unit Tests
-design docs for market arena
-Entire bank arena
-Entire gui for bank arena
-bank background, market background, restaurant background
-All Bank Unit Tests
-bank robber
-design docs for bank arena and person arena
-readMe :D
Welcome to District 39! Follow these step by step instructions for running CityGui.gui
May the odds be ever in your favor.
-On the left side of screen, you will see the person creation panel. -Type in a person's name and the amount of money they have on them. -Then select whether they live in and apartment or a house, and their mode of transportation. -Last, decide the person's role inside the city. -Upon clicking add person, your newly created person will be added to the city and a bank account will be automatically set up at the local bank.
-Or you can click the 'Populate City' button at the button to create 50 people, all with different roles.
-Next to the person creation panel is a list. If you click a person, they will turn red while walking around the big map. -Also when you click on a person, the information panel will show their name, work place, and job. -Below the person creation panel is the current date and time, with 0-0-0 (night time) being when you started running the application. -Below the date and time is slider for setting the speed of the city, with the left being the slowest speed and the right being the fastest.
-Clicking on any building (except the bus stops) will take you to the inside view. -Inside buildings, you can watch citizens move about their daily routines. -Our city implements 3 time phases, morning work shift, afternoon work shift, and night time. -Buildings open during the morning shift. -When the afternoon shift comes around, the morning shift workers are relieved of duty and the afternoon shift workers take over. -Buildings close during the evening shift. -Restaurants and Markets are closed during the weekends. -The bank is open every day of the week. -There is a button to force shutdown of a building. -A building under force shutdown will immediately close -A building under force shutdown will not be able to reopen unless told to -If a building is told to reopen during the night, it will reopen again during the standard work hours the next day -The trace log (the second window) keeps track of all the conversations being held in the city.
-Inside their home, people will sleep, eat, clean, put groceries in their refrigerator and go to the bathroom.
-Apartment buildings have 8 individual rooms; each room can hold up to 2 people. -Inside apartments, people will enter their assigned room, drop off groceries at the fridge, cook a meal, go to the bathroom, and sleep. -Correctly uses the special log alert system. -In-isolation trial module available (see below for instructions).
-Restaurants open when there are enough workers hired for that shift to successfully run it -- a host, a cook, a cashier, and at least one waiter. -Restaurants stay closed on weekends. -Restaurants can be forced to close and stay closed by clicking a checkbox in the inside-view sidebar. They can be reopened by unchecking. -If a customer is forced to wait too long, he or she will leave. -Non-normative behavior supported for customers: food preference, flake, impatient -If the Person's name contains the name of a food (case insensitive), he will try to order that food if he sees it -If the Person's name contains "flake" (case insensitive), he will order regardless of whether he can afford the food -If the Person's name contains "impatient" (case insensitive), he will wait a shorter time for service before leaving -In the event that a customer leaves out of impatience, any food for him is thrown away and he does not pay any bill he might have generated. -In the event that a customer underpays, cashier sends a message to the alert log and remembers the customer's debt for his next visit. -Correctly uses the special log alert system. -In-isolation trial module available (see below for instructions).
We made a petition for our group and were informed by Professor Wilczynski that our city only needs one of our restaurants, which Jacob made from scratch for this project
-Bank tellers assist bank customers. -Bank customers will either deposit money or withdraw money. -If they try to withdraw more money than they have, the teller will refuse their request -If a bank customer is forced to wait too long, he or she will leave. -Bank Robbers are crafty thieves!! They break into the bank late at night. -Bank robbers will attempt to break into the safe, if they fail they leave the bank -If they succeed, the will either make off with 50, 100, 500, or 1000 dollars
-Buses help citizens move around the city. -Citizens will use bus stops if they are a bus user.
-Market offers 34 kinds of foods. The quantity of each item is a random number between 50 and 100 and market can not restock itself -Cars are available for purchase from the market. -People and restaurants can order anything available from the market of arbitrary amount. -Market has two shifts and closes after the second shift on weekdays and all day on weekends. -Market can be forced close from the gui. -If a customer waits too long, he or she will leave the market. -Customers would also leave if the market closes normally or is forced close. -Market clerks would go grab items for customers. -There are 4 locations for foods and one location for car. -Market can be paused like all other buildings.
-Full implementation of A* -100% thread safe code -Music -Enhanced Gui