Full-stack hotel acommodation landing page/business website with authentication. Users can create and manage their bookings with ease.
See how the website looks like and works below 👇.
Or try the app yourself! 👀 Live Demo.
TypeScript | React | Next.js | PostgreSQL | Jest Testing Library | Postman | TailwindCSS
Create a new user. Hashing the password before storing.
API Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Body | Protected |
/api/users |
name, email, password |
❌ |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"message": "Your account was created successfully!"
Fetch session user's bookings.
API Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Params | Protected |
/api/bookings |
?sort_by | ✅ |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"message": "Fetched the session user's bookings!",
"bookings": [
booking_id: 1,
arrival_date: "2023-12-05T22:00:00.000Z",
departure_date: "2023-12-17T22:00:00.000Z",
guests_number: 2,
Create a new booking
API Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Body | Protected |
/api/bookings |
guestsNumber, arrivalDate, departureDate |
✅ |
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"message": "Your booking was created!"
Delete a booking
API Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Params | Protected |
/api/bookings/:id |
id |
✅ |
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
"message": "The booking was successfully canceled."
git clone [email protected]:janaiscoding/luxuria-hotel.git
cd luxuria-hotel
npm install
placed at root of the directory.
Complete it as per the following instructions:
# For database setup please follow the instructions in this link:
# https://vercel.com/docs/storage/vercel-postgres/quickstart
# You will need a Vercel account in order to create the project and the SQL storage
# NextAuth.js Authentication setup will look like this
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=yoursecret (see more: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_secret)
# Reference for OAuth provider with GitHub setup:
# https://next-auth.js.org/providers/github if you want to use the GitHub button
Create a new account and store it here if you want to use the demo button
- add postgresql backend to nextjs
- create bookings table
- create route for placing a new booking
- validate submitted user dates arrival must be lower than departure
- validate number of persons to be between 1 and 4
- display errors and success messages when placing a new booking
- replaced auth0 with next-auth
- created user table and linked bookings with foreign keys to it
- add hashing and comparing hashing with bcryptjs for newly created users
- create user dashboard to see their own bookings
- link session user to booking post requests
- added navigation on mobile
- added bookings to current user dashboard
- added information about rooms being under construction
- fix homescreen button not having smooth-scrolling
- move github project pointing to localhost to point to normal app url
- allow users to delete their records
- for this, i had to validate user session to be correct on the client and server in order to allow deletion
- i get my auth session, and i only delete the same record where the booking id matches with the user id taken from session user email
- reworking endpoints to be restful
- api/bookings get, post
- api/bookings/:id delete
- api/users post
- api/bookings/:id put
- add pagination for excessive bookings sessions
- write tests
- add maybe sorting posibilities on each row column
- fix responsive screen
- pop-up for booking form on mobile maybe an ui element that opens up from bottom - for now it's just the same element but also visible on mobile
- think about rooms structure, will i allow users to push to rooms db / will i make a db / do i create pages for each room etc.
- user page with history and room and possibility to update (?) the reservation
I will be adopting Angular commit messages linting from now on because ofc they look nice https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/tree/master/@commitlint/config-conventional#type-enum
Feel free to send me feedback, ideas or just message me anything web/coding related @in/jana-istrate