This tool provides the ability to print a set of issues from a GitHub repo, in a format suitable for posting on a Kanban board. The tool queries GitHub and generates a PDF with one issue per page. It is suggested to use a PDF tool capable of reducing multiple pages to a single page (example 2x2) in order to print small cards (Adobe Reader for example).
The PDF will be written to stdout
- capture stdout to save it.
Usage of this tool requires a GitHub personal API token with repo
scope. This value is supplied to the program via an environment variable named GITHUB_API_TOKEN
$ node index.js --help
Usage: index [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --token [github_api_token] GitHub API token
-o, --owner [repo_owner] The GitHub repo owner - username or org name
-r, --repo [repo_name] The GitHub repo name
-m, --milestone [number] Repo milestone number filter (from the GitHub URL)
-l, --labels [label_list] Comma-separated list of labels to filter on
-i, --issues [issue_nums] Comma-separated list of issue numbers to include
-p, --points Flag to enable the points label on cards
--project-column URL of a GitHub Project column from which to retrieve issues
-h, --help Output usage information
Note: For security reasons, it is highly recommended to avoid passing the API token on the command line - use an environment variable instead~
Input parameters can be configured via the following input parameters (instead of command line arguments):
Environment Variable | Equivalent Command Line Arg |
--token |
--owner |
--repo |
--milestone |
--labels |
--issues |
--project-column |
--points |
You may run the program via Docker as follows:
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
docker run -e GITHUB_API_TOKEN -e REPO_OWNER=<OWNER> -e REPO_NAME=<REPO> -e REPO_MILESTONE=<NUM> -e INCLUDE_POINTS_LABELS=true jamiemjennings/github-issue-printer > output.pdf
For example:
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
docker run -e GITHUB_API_TOKEN -e REPO_OWNER=jamiemjennings -e REPO_NAME=github-issue-printer -e REPO_MILESTONE=1 -e INCLUDE_POINTS_LABELS=true jamiemjennings/github-issue-printer > ~/output.pdf
You may then open output.pdf with your preferred PDF reader to review/print.
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
npm install
node index.js --owner <OWNER> --repo <REPO> --milestone <NUM> --points > output.pdf
For example:
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
npm install
node index.js --owner jamiemjennings --repo github-issue-printer --milestone 1 --points > output.pdf
The program may be used to print a set of issues from a column in a GitHub project. This option can expedite printing of physical Kanban cards for an existing GitHub Kanban board.
To use this option, first open the Kanban board and use the Copy column link
option as shown to obtain the appropriate URL:
Then use the --project-column
option with this URL, for example:
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
docker run -e GITHUB_API_TOKEN -e PROJECT_COLUMN_URL= jamiemjennings/github-issue-printer > ~/output.pdf
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
npm install
node index.js --project-column > output.pdf
If you assign points to your issues as part of your development process you can add the points label to the upper right corner by using --points
. The following labels on the issue will be searched for and used if they are assigned to the issue: XS
, S
, M
, L
, XL
, 0
, 1/2
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 5
, 8
, 13
, 21