Super (I mean super) basic intro to Alexa skills. The idea is to create an 'adventure' from scratch in no time at all; actually done under 6 minutes if you check out the video here:
Create an AWS Account here:
Create an Amazon Developer account here:
Whilst here, go to the Alexa section, click 'Get Started' under ASK, and select 'Add a new skill;
Ensure 'Custom Interaction Model' is selected, and choose your skill name/invocation name
Go to the AWS portal, lambda, and create a new skill using the fact template
Copy the contents of index.js from this repository into it
Copy the ARN (endpoint) from here, and paste it into 'Configuration' in the Amazon Dev portal
Under 'Interaction Model', copy over the contents of intentschema.js and sampleutterances.js into the relevant parts. Then build the model!