A "bare" theme for developers to use as the basis of creating new themes.
greenfield (n): a project that lacks any constraints imposed by prior work
- DRY: HTML markup separated out into template partials for easy reuse across multiple PHP files.
- Web designer friendly: HTML and PHP as separate as possible. Designers can edit template partials without having to muck through a lot of PHP.
- Three sidebars available: traditional column sidebar, header widgets, and footer widgets
- Fast JavaScript loading through head.js
- HTML5 doctype and validated markup. Default markup is backwards-compatible: no HTML5-specific tags
- html5resetcss: HTML5 updated version of Eric Meyer's CSS Reset (http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/)
- thetoine's wish-you-were-simple: https://github.com/thetoine/wish-you-were-simple/
- Chris Coyier's BLANK Wordpress theme: http://digwp.com/2010/02/blank-wordpress-theme/
- HTML5 Doctor's HTML5 Reset Stylesheet: http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/
- Head JS: http://headjs.com/