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Team members

Jadon Ng Tsz Hei (3036076067) @jadonng @crxxom

Song Wenhao (3035974066) @swh2004

Poon Tsz Chung (3036077774) @TszChungPOON

Yeung Cheuk Hin (3035939705) @Cyrus-Yeung

Kwok Chak Fung (3036002688) @JoeCFKwok

Project Statement

Monopoly is a classic board game that invites players to navigate an economic landscape, buying, trading, and developing properties. The goal is to drive others into bankruptcy and become the wealthiest player. It’s a game of strategy, chance, and negotiation, offering valuable lessons in finance and investment.

In our HKU version of Monopoly, we allow players to get to know of the names of the buildings in HKU while enjoying an exciting competition. We also made a few creative and fun modifications to the traditional version to fasten the gameplay (e.g. each property will double the land rent instead of increasing linearly).

Game Rules

The goal of the game is to become the wealthiest player within the desired number of rounds by making different decisions.

The setting of the game includes a board (Composed of 40 Cells), with each cell representing either some gimmicks or a place in HKU, players can "buy" the land and build properties on it, when other players land on an owned land, they will have to pay land rent to the owner.

Players will take turns to throw dice to decide how many steps they will move clockwise on the board, and take action according to the cell that they land on.

The winner will be declared when all other players go bankrupt, or the wealthiest person remaining when the desired number of turns have ended.


We have made one simple assumption for this game: The user input type must be correct (Will not enter string for an int variable)

How to Play Text-Based Monopoly (HKU version) in C++

Video Demonstration:

Welcome to the world of HKU! This guide will help you understand how to play the text-based Monopoly game we have built in C++.

Before we start......

By simply typing

  make main

to create an executable .exe file for the game

Then type


in your terminal. The game will start automatically!

Initiating the Game

  1. Enter Player Details: When prompted, first enter the number of rounds you wished to play

    Number of rounds for each player (must be an integer):

  2. Next, enter the the Initial Cash that every player will start with

    Initial Cash (must be positive):

    (We suggest 1500 if you have time and aim for an exciting game)

  3. Then, enter the Number of Players (2-4) you wished to play with, followed by their Name respectively

    Number of Players (2-4):

    Player 1 name: (between 2-20 characters):

You are all set! Your journey now begins!


The game will prompt all the actions you can possibly make when it is your turn, for example:

>> Player ABC's turn!
Press the respective hotkey to choose your next action.
1: Roll dice
2: Check game status

The output above shows it is now Player ABC's turn, which includes 1. Roll Dice and 2. Check game status.

You can safely assume all commands you would have to make will be Numbers.

After you enter the desired command, for example


The game will run the command "Roll dice", which will roll 2 fair die and return the sum.

>> Player ABC's turn!
Press the respective hotkey to choose your next action.
1: Roll dice
2: Check game status
>> You rolled 5!
>> You have arrived MTR_Exit_A1 which has no owner with the price of 200

Similarly, you will then be prompted with another set of commands.

Press the respective hotkey to choose your next action.
1: Buy land
2: Check game status
3: End Round

This time, you can choose from 1: Buy land 2: Check game status and 3: End Round

Your round will not end before you enter 3, so you can check your status whenever you want.

Right now, Let's try 1. Buy land

>> You have bought MTR_Exit_A1 for 200

After you buy the land, other players cannot buy it any more, instead, when they land on the same cell in the future, they will have to pay you some land rent!

For example:

>> MTR_Exit_A1 is owned by DEF
>> You have pay 25 to ABC
>> Your remaining balance is 1475

Now, let's keep our attention on actions after buying MTR_Exit_A1.

You will again have to choose from a few commands.

Press the respective hotkey to choose your next action.
1: Build property
2: Check game status
3: End Round

You can choose to 1: Build property on the land, which is going to DOUBLE the rent other players have to play when they land on it!

>> You have build a house on MTR_Exit_A1!
>> MTR_Exit_A1 currently have 1 houses.

Done! The rent of MTR_Exit_A1 has doubled!

Or instead, you can always 2: Check game status in your round, which will show all information about you.

>> Player: ABC
>> Your Position: 5
>> Your Money: 50
>> Jail card: 0
>> Your Land(properties): MTR_Exit_A1(1)

Don't forget to 3: End Round and pass the control to your friend!

All players will take turns accessing the terminal when it is their turn.

That's all for the basic commands! You can travel freely around HKU now.

We’ve incorporated a multitude of unexpected elements into the game to heighten the excitement. These elements, which you may encounter, are left for your discovery.

The game will end when the desired number of turns have been played, or one player reaches MONOPOLY (All other players went bankrupt). Whichever earlier.

If no one reaches MONOPOLY when the game ends, the player with the most assets will win!


Meeting Project requirements

  1. Generation of random game sets or events:

We use random in rolling the dice to determine the step of the player to move. In addition, when the player steps on the chance cells, we use random to choose one “chance” from all “chances”.

  1. Data structures for storing game status:

For data structures, we have Player to store their name, money, land, some items, and so on. Besides, we have Cell to store the price, position, number of properties, and so on. We also use array, vector, and other data structures to store diverse data like players, cells(board), lands, and so on.

  1. Dynamic memory management:

We use dynamic memory management to store players for their uncertain number of players.

  1. File input/output:

We use file input to load the board stored in board.txt and upload them to the array of board.

  1. Program codes in multiple files:

Description of files

1.) Makefile:

makefile for generating the executable main file, and for cleaning all .o files

2.) action.cpp:

contain functions for player actions, such as buy land, pay rent, and build property

3.) action.h:

header file for action.cpp

4.) board.cpp:

contain the loadBoard function, which loads the intial game setup from board.txt

5.) board.h:

header file for board.cpp

6.) board.txt:

text file containing the initial setup of board, players can customize the board without knowing any programming language

7.) checkstatus.cpp:

contain the checkstatus function, which allows players to check his/her status

8.) checkstatus.h:

header file for checkstatus.cpp

9.) main.cpp:

main programme for the game

10.) printBoard.cpp:

 contain the printBoard function, which visualize the entire board layout with the names and prices of various of lands

11.) printBoard.h:

 header file for printBoard.cpp

12.) structures.cpp:

 contain the TriggerEvent function, which triggers events based on the current position of player

13.) structures.h:

 header file for structures.cpp; contain structures Player (structure for each player) and Cell (structure for each cell of board)

14.) wincheck.cpp:

 contain functions that check whether any player wins or is broke

15.) wincheck.h:

 header file for wincheck.cpp

list of libraries we have used:

cmath (support pow function for calculating rent)

cstdlib (support srand and rand functions to generate random numbers for chance and dice)

ctime (support time(NULL) for updating seed in rand function)

fstream (to extract information from board.txt)

iomanip (to format board in printBoard function)

iostream (for input and output)

sstream (used to repeat string)

string (data type for storing names)

vector (data type for storing list of lands per player)


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