Clone repo (with submodules)
git clone --recurse-submodules
Build static vitepress and copy static files
npm run build
Deploy in dist
npm run translate -- --input <input-folder> --output <output-folder> [--recursive] [--exceptions <expresion_regular>] [--defaultLang <idioma>] [--filenameLang] [--move]
netlify dev-branch (main)
✅ finish 🏗️ in work 📜 todo
sample for ```bash ``` with the class console
inside a div the sign $
but the sign is not copied
Lack of overflow for some Majax elements
Animation of the title letters. Gradient color that rotates for the color of the letters ✅. Change or effect by pressing or hovering over them 📜
When you click on an image it is enlarged and displayed on the entire screen maintaining the aspect ratio ✅, enlargement animation when selecting the image 📜, thumbnails gallery 📜, next and previous button 📜
Collect the title and description of each markdown and generate an Opengraph, generate a thumbnail
At least a new light and dark theme, theme switcher with some keyboard shortcut
Change and animate the image of the main page with some floating effect, interaction with the scroll, the mouse and with the title
Any button to hide the aside and sidebar
Option to export to PDF, PDF/A or PDF/X format, page metadata
localization for spanish and english
Light and dark new color scheme
Detect local language and allow language switching for static sites and blog
both the status of the page, status of future services and future developments
injection of universal styles and scripts for all pages, either on the provider side or through a "build" process (target)
Transition animation between pages, possibly multiple animations
Preprocessing static files and minifying them, plus some processing to check for browser compatibility (result that will be visible on the status page), code errors, comments etc.
A proper deploy with github actions
Create an environment file to specify the domain, provider, minify or not minify...
One page as a personal portfolio for reasons of promoting myself, another website as a "company" or "personality"