This iwocaPay plugin for Magento 2 will implement the iwocaPay solution in your store.
You can install this plugin using Composer:
composer require iwoca/iwocapay-magento
bin/magento module:enable Iwoca_Iwocapay
bin/magento setup:upgrade
You can find all related configurations for this module by navigating to "Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > iwocaPay" in the Magento admin section.
Configuration | Description |
Enabled | Turns the iwocaPay payment solution on or off |
Seller Access Token | The access token which is used to authenticate requests made to the iwocaPay API |
Seller ID | Your Seller ID which is used to identify you as a seller in the iwocaPay system |
Mode | Indicates if the module is running in testing (Staging) or production mode |
Payment from Applicable Countries | Indicates if the module can be used for all allowed countries, or a specific set of countries |
Payment from Specific Countries | If the "Payment from Applicable Countries" is set to "Specific countries" this is used to select which countries are allowed to use iwocaPay |
Debug mode | Add additional logging during the payment process. |
MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.