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iwocaPay plugin for Magento2

This iwocaPay plugin for Magento 2 will implement the iwocaPay solution in your store.


You can install this plugin using Composer:

composer require iwoca/iwocapay-magento

Enable the module

bin/magento module:enable Iwoca_Iwocapay
bin/magento setup:upgrade


You can find all related configurations for this module by navigating to "Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > iwocaPay" in the Magento admin section.

Configuration Options

Configuration Description
Enabled Turns the iwocaPay payment solution on or off
Seller Access Token The access token which is used to authenticate requests made to the iwocaPay API
Seller ID Your Seller ID which is used to identify you as a seller in the iwocaPay system
Mode Indicates if the module is running in testing (Staging) or production mode
Payment from Applicable Countries Indicates if the module can be used for all allowed countries, or a specific set of countries
Payment from Specific Countries If the "Payment from Applicable Countries" is set to "Specific countries" this is used to select which countries are allowed to use iwocaPay
Debug mode Add additional logging during the payment process.


MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.