Hey 👋 welcome to our fullstack task. Take a look around and familiarise yourself with the code base. The frontend code is in the ./frontend directory, it's React + TypeScript (built with create-react-app). The backend code is in the ./backend directory, it's a django application. Each has a README to get you all set up.
There are currently two pages on the frontend:
- http://localhost:3000/pay/:sellerHandle
- This is where sellers send their buyers to pay their invoices, the seller handle is designed to be human readable and map to a single seller.
- http://localhost:3000/seller/:sellerId
- This is where sellers can go to update their unique handle.
There are three endpoints on the backend:
- GET http://localhost:8000/api/sellers/:sellerId
- Returns seller data using their unique id.
- GET http://localhost:8000/api/sellers/handle/:sellerHandle
- Returns seller data user their unique handle.
- PUT http://localhost:8000/api/sellers/:sellerId
- Updates the handle of a seller.
You can drop into the django admin (after creating a superuser) and add a new seller to test with: http://localhost:8000/admin/
There are two features we'd like you to implement, it should take up to 3 hours altogether.
At the moment sellers are unable to change their unique handle. They should be able to go to their seller page on the frontend (http://localhost:3000/seller/:sellerId) and update it there but it hasn't been implemented yet.
There's a risk that sellers may update their seller handles after already sharing their pay links with their customers, therefore breaking them. It should be possible for sellers to change their seller handles but not break existing links that used their old handles. For example, if a seller has the handle
their customers would be able to go to/pay/acme
to pay their invoices. However that link should continue to work when the seller changes their handle toacme-inc
$ docker-compose build
# Run migrations.
$ docker-compose run --rm backend ./manage.py migrate
# Create a superuser for yourself.
$ docker-compose run --rm backend ./manage.py createsuperuser
# Run the frontend tests.
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm test
# Run the backend tests.
$ docker-compose run --rm backend ./manage.py test
# Start the frontend and backend.
$ docker-compose up
$ cd frontend/
# Install dependencies.
$ npm install
# Run the tests.
$ npm test
# Start the frontend.
$ npm start
$ cd backend/
# Create a python virtual environment.
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run migrations.
$ ./manage.py migrate
# Create a superuser for yourself.
$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
# Run the tests.
$ ./manage.py test
# Start the backend.
$ ./manage.py runserver 8000