Django custom collector used to get every objects that are related to given object.
$ pip install django-deep-collector
Create a new instance of DeepCollector, and launch collector on one object:
from deep_collector.core import DeepCollector
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
user = User.objects.all()[0]
collector = DeepCollector()
related_objects = collector.get_collected_objects()
If you want to save it in a file to be 'django load_data'-like imported, you can use:
string_buffer = collector.get_json_serialized_objects()
This class is used to introspect an object, to get every other objects that depend on it, following its 'relation' fields, i.e. ForeignKey, OneToOneField, ManyToManyField, GenericForeignKey and GenericRelation.
- We start from given object (of class classA for example), and loop over :
- Its 'direct' fields, it means the relation fields that are explicitly declared in this django model.
class classA(models.Model):
fkey = models.ForeignKey(classB)
o2o = models.OneToOneField(classC)
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(classD)
- Its 'related' fields, so other django model that are related to this object by relation fields.
class classB(models.Model):
fkeyto = models.ForeignKey(classA)
class classC(models.Model):
o2oto = models.OneToOneField(classA)
class classD(models.Model):
m2mto = models.ManyToManyField(classA)
- For every field, we get associated object(s) of objA:
- If it's a direct field, we get objects by:
class classA(models.Model):
fkey = models.ForeignKey(classB) # objA.fkey
o2o = models.OneToOneField(classC) # objA.o2o
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(classD) # objA.m2m.all()
- If it's a related field, we get objects by:
class classB(models.Model):
fkeyto = models.ForeignKey(classA) # objA.classb_set.all()
class classC(models.Model):
o2oto = models.OneToOneField(classA) # objA.classC (not a manager, because OneToOneField is a unique rel)
class classD(models.Model):
m2mto = models.ManyToManyField(classA) # objA.classd_set.all()
If we are using related_name attribute, then we access manager with its related_name:
class classE(models.Model):
m2mto = models.ForeignKey(classA, related_name='classE') # objA.classE.all()
- For each associated object, we go back to step 1. and get every field, ...
The GenericForeignKey has a small exception. If you want it to be collected in the "reverse" way, you should explicitly define a GenericRelation in the models you want to follow this "reverse" relation.
class GFKModel(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
class BaseToGFKModel(models.Model):
gfk_relation = GenericRelation(GFKModel)
In above example, if you collect a BaseToGFKModel instance, the collector will look for all GFKModel instances related to your initial BaseToGFKModel instance. That happens because the BaseToGFKModel model explicitly defines a GenericRelation.
You can customize which model/field is collected. By default, every model and field is collected, but you can override some parameters to have custom behaviour:
- EXCLUDE_MODELS: exclude models (expecting a list of '<app_label>.<module_name>')
EXCLUDE_MODELS = ['', 'auth.permission', '']
Every time we will try to collect an object of this model type, it won't be collected.
- EXCLUDE_DIRECT_FIELDS: exclude direct fields from specified models
'auth.user': ['groups'],
On User model, when we will get direct fields, we won't take into account 'groups' field.
- EXCLUDE_RELATED_FIELDS: exclude related fields from specified models
'auth.user': ['session_set']
On User model, we don't want to collect sessions that are associated to this user, so we put the exact accessor name we have to use to get these sessions, 'session_set', to exclude them from collection.
- ALLOWS_SAME_TYPE_AS_ROOT_COLLECT: avoid by default to collect objects that have the same type as the root one, to prevent collecting too many data.
To avoid some recursive collect between 2 objects (if an object has a direct field to another one, it means that other object has a related field to this first one), we detect if an object has already been collected before trying to collect it.