CRIRES+ data reduction for the L and M band. The slit curvature is obtained from the sky emission spectrum which is created using the two nodding position observations. Then the wavelength calibration is performed using the sky emission as well as the telluric transmission spectra with MOLECFIT. Special care is taken to create extensive bad pixel maps as the sky emission spectrum is quite sensitive to those.
This package consists of three parts, Pyesorex recipes to do the actual work, plotting scripts to show of the results, and finally a script to create the data reduction script. This script then calls the new and existing recipes as well as plotting scripts.
First create the data reduction scipt and SOF file for the esorex recipes using:
python {setting} -r={input_dir} -o={output_dir} -e={exposure_time}
where setting is the CRIRES+ wavelength setting (e.g. L3262), input_dir is the
path to the directory containing the raw observation and calibration fits files,
output_dir is the path to the directory where all products will be stored,
and finally exposure_time is necessary to filter the available files in case
more than one exposure time has been observed (e.g. since the exposure time was
adjusted to avoid over exposure on the detector).
Then you can run the newly created script created in output_dir from within output_dir. This will run the entire data reduction pipeline including plotting scripts.
To help run this package for a number of observations at once, the two steps can be replaced with and in src. will call for each of the existing observation dates and will then call the script in each output_dir. Make sure that the terminal session will stay alive for the whole data reduction as it will take some time.
- Some of the plotting scripts are drop in replacements for the existing plotting scripts of the cr2res pipeline with the same name. They work the same, but have additional options that are useful here.
- does not actually contain a recipe, but instead contains shared functionality between the recipes used here. Due to the way that Pyesorex imports recipes it is not itself a recipe, and the other recipes need to modify the python search path to import it.