A a sample repository to demo how to write a sample gRPC service, lint proto files and compile
It uses buf and just regular protoc to compile proto files.
Reference links:
- awesome-grpc
- protoc-gen-validate allows to add validation annotations and generate validation code
- buf a collection of tools to worh with protocol buffers and gRPC
- api-linter API linter by Google
- google API - a collection of useful and reusable APIs and messages by Google
- google-cloud-go - an example repository on how to build Client code
- protobuf.dev
- grpc.io
- a_bit_of_everything.proto - a complete proto example
A good way to add dependencies via git submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis
git submodule add https://github.com/bufbuild/protoc-gen-validate
git submodule update --remote