⚡️ An opinionated CLI that generates boilerplate code instantly.
Even if your IDE has snippets, creating new components is still a boring, repetitive task that requires several files to be manually created. React Kick automates this task, sparing you from the tedium of copy-pasting repetitive code into your editor.
This tool aims to encourage you as a developer to create more components, each one with its purpose, leveraging the power of React the right way. It also suggests battle-tested patterns that I recommend you adopt in your project.
With a single command, you'll be able to generate the files in the appropriate filename structure and importing scheme to get you started quickly.
npm install -g react-kick
Let's create a new component named Greeting
. Run the following command:
$ rk component Greeting
You will notice that a new folder was created at src/components/Greeting
along with the following files:
// index.js
export { default } from './Greeting'
export * from './Greeting'
// Greeting.jsx
import React from 'react'
import styles from './styles.module.css'
export default function Greeting () {
return <div className={styles.wrapper}>Hello World!</div>
// Greeting.test.js
import React from 'react'
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
import Greeting from '.'
test('says hello', () => {
render(<Greeting />)
/* styles.module.css */
.wrapper {
position: relative;
If you have prettier
installed, the files will be formatted accordingly.
Generates a component in the src/components
Aliases: rk c <name> [props...]
Generates a custom hook in the src/hooks
Aliases: rk h <name>
Forces a different output path.
Aliases: -o [path]
If you need to customize the settings, just create a .kickrc
or .kickrc.json
file in your project root folder, specifying only the properties you need to change.
The default settings are:
$ rk component Input value onChange
# Output
└── components
└── Input
├── index.js
├── Input.jsx
├── Input.test.js
└── styles.module.css
Creating an atom
$ rk component atoms/Button
# Output
└── components
└── atoms
└── Button
├── Button.jsx
├── Button.test.js
├── index.js
└── styles.module.css
$ rk hook useProducts
# Output
└── hooks
└── useProducts
├── index.js
├── useProducts.js
└── useProducts.test.js
- Support other styling options (i.e. makeStyles, styled-components);
- Support plugins to extend functionality (i.e. extra commands and/or options);
This program is inspired by some great people who write some great stuff:
- Delightful React File/Directory Structure by @johnwcomeau
- Atomic Design and ReactJS by @danilowoz
- React Architecture Patterns for Your Projects by @amanhimself
The list will be continuously updated with the references from which I borrow concepts and ideas.