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israpps edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 6 revisions


  • Funtuna Configurator:

    • Changed Skin

    • configuration Now the configurations will be stored at FUNTUNA.CNF instead of FMCB.CNF (To avoid conflicts with FreeMcBoot when saving configs to mass:/)

    • disable timestamp-manipulation feature: it's causing compiling issues so i had to disable it untill HWNJ helps me to solve that or i find out the answer on my own


    • Graphic interface: Restored config reading for Top delimiter, bottom delimiter and both cursors (no more hardcoded Text)

    • USB Drivers: if FUNTUNA cant find the USB drivers at mc?:/BOOT/ it will try to find them at mc?:/SYS-CONF/

    • Launch keys: hardcoded launch keys modified: the original hardcoded paths for AUTO include mc?:/BOOT/BOOT ELF at path 2 if funtuna cant find the config file (or the config doesn't have entries for AUTO launch keys) and there isnt an elf file located at mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF funtuna will launch himself causing an endless loop. now the hardcoded AUTO LK launches Mc0:/BOOT/ULE.ELF instead of Funtuna

  • FORTUNA: - Icon file: the Fortuna Icon file wont be at "BOOT" anymore, it will be located at "BXEXEC-FUNTUNA" DONT TOUCH ANYTHING INSIDE THAT FOLDER


  • First of all: From now on the download file won't be hosted at PSX-place anymore, the download will redirect you to the GitHub repositorium.

  • Release package: The contents of the release package will be located at the folder __Release in the repositorium, and it will be packed and deployed to the release section trough a github workflow. Now everyone can make pull requests to change/update/reorganize the contents of the release package (those pull requests must be solely to change the contents of the release folder)


    • Added %VER% variable: Now the substring %VER% will be replaced by the internal versión number (by now only available for TOP DELIMITER).
  • ULE.ELF: - Replaced uLaunchELF 4.43a 41e4ebe with 4.43a_ISR rev1

  • CFG.ELF: - Re-added missing feature related to USB-Drivers


    • minor changes to code

    • eliminated integrated icon files to reduce size (those where unused files)

    • replaced "loading" logo with a black rectangle to reduce size (that logo was unused, all the code related to that logo will be eliminated soon



  • added first memory card anihilator backup image to make installation easier for noobs

  • replaced PSU_ule.elf

    before: uLaunchELF 4.37

  • now: wLaunchELF 4.43a_ISR rev1




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