Ertis Auth Command Line Interface.
Init your database (mongodb) for using ertis auth.
If you are using ertis auth, you should create first membership, role and user. This manually operation have some risks.
- You may not be sure about Membership, user and role database models.
- sys field. who is created that documents and when?
- You can forget database indexes before using.
Ertis Auth CLI create first models and create mongodb indexes by your given mongodb connection string.
$ pip install ertis_auth_migrate
$ ertis_auth_migrate --help
$ ertis_auth_migrate -c <mogno_connection_string> -d <datbase_name>
Then cli asks some questions to you.
Initialize you ertis auth service.
? Enter a membership name: ertis
? Enter a role name: admin
? Enter a username: admin
? Enter a password: mySecretP@assWord!
? Enter token ttl value as a minutes: 60
? Enter refresh token ttl value as a minutes: 120
? Enter max active token count by user: 120
? Do you want create indexes on mongodb for ertis auth? [y|N] True
You can check your mongodb collections and indexes after installation.
Note: if you have memberships, roles and users collections already this cli will be created only documents. s And documents means new membership, new role under membership and new user under membership.