Berisi kumpulan ekstensi kotlin android yang sederhana dan mudah untuk digunakan
- Custom argument param
- Finish activity
- toast (default)
- navigator (default)
- navigator with multiple params
- navigator with activity clear top
- navigator implicit (usually for modular app) without params
- navigator implicit (usually for modular app) with params
- log D (Using Timber)
- log E (Using Timber)
- log V (Using Timber)
- saving bitmap into image file
- replace fragment
- replace fragment with addBackToStack
- transparent statusbar
- show icon inside popup menu
- get device id
- get width n height of screen
- get statusbar height
- set autofit grid margin
- currency format to rupiah
- justify content in webview
- locale date checking (Ind, En)
- network checking
- email validation
- phone validation
- date transform from long
- date transform from string
- visible view
- invisible view
- gone view
- snackbar (default)
- snackbar with custom color
- custom font
- recyclerview vertical theme
- recyclerview horizontal theme
- slide animation (on show)
- slide animation (on hide)
- Irfan Irawan Sukirman
- Email : [email protected]
- Phone : 088229270639
** Free collaboration bro **