Create a backup using the DD command. Scripts to make life easier.
The original "" script is at github page.
chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin
You may read about usage at original "" script page: Drewsif / PiShrink .
Note: Script is modified to delete some additional directories and to compress image after shrinking with gzip (it is -p
and -z
keys) as the default option. Even if you are not using these keys in command.
As the result, you will have the compressed image (*.img) with will take less space to store. It will have format *.img.gz.
Check that Python3 version is 3.6 ot highter.
Check that NFS server IP is accessible.
sudo python3 --nfs ''
Follow on-screen instructions.
After Image is created unmount NFS share:
sudo umount /Backups
pi@raspberry:~ $ sudo python3 --nfs ''
The NFS share to mount is:
The hostname is: raspberry
Check|Create the directory for backup:
The date is: 05032022-11-39
The '/boot' directory is stored at: /dev/mmcblk0p1 subdrive.
The block devices presented in this system are:
mmcblk0 29G disk
mmcblk0p1 vfat 256M part /boot
mmcblk0p2 ext4 28.8G part /
Select with device is boot drive with OS?
[ 1 - /dev/mmcblk0 | 2 - /dev/sda ] : 1
The "/dev/mmcblk0" will be as a source to copy from!
Sectors count: 60868608
Physical block size: 512
Run the command below to create the backup image from SD card with OS to the NFS storage:
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/Backups/raspberry/raspberry_05032022-11-39.img bs=4096 count=7608576 status=progress conv=fsync
Or use command below, but ansure that the "pv" is installed !
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4096 count=7608576 | pv | sudo dd of=/Backups/raspberry/raspberry_05032022-11-39.img
To run in backgroud use next command:
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/Backups/raspberry/raspberry_05032022-11-39.img bs=4096 count=7608576 &
To restore the image file you may use the official "Raspberry Pi Imager" or use, as an example, the command below from the shell:
gunzip -c /NFSShare/path/to/image/file.img.gz | dd of=/dev/{sda|mmcblk0} conv=sync,noerror bs=4k status=progress
$ sudo gunzip -c /Backups/raspberry/raspberry_05032022-11-39.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=4k status=progress
1008295+1 records in
1008296+0 records out
4129980416 bytes (4.1 GB, 3.8 GiB) copied, 147.894 s, 27.9 MB/s