subjects: added datastream for bodc #1681
6 errors
Python / Tests (3.9, postgresql14, opensearch2):
AssertionError: assert [{'id': 'SDN:...DC-PUV', ...}] == [{'id': rdfli...DC-PUV', ...}]
At index 0 diff: {'id': 'SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM', 'scheme': 'BODC-PUV', 'subject': 'AMSSedAge', 'title': {'en': '14C age of Foraminiferida (ITIS: 44030: WoRMS 22528) [Subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and accelerator mass spectrometry'}, 'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'}, 'identifiers': [{'scheme': 'url', 'identifier': ''}]} != {'id': rdflib.term.Literal('SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM'), 'scheme': 'BODC-PUV', 'subject': rdflib.term.Literal('AMSSedAge'), 'title': {'en': '14c age of foraminiferida (itis: 44030: worms 22528) [subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and accelerator mass spectrometry'}, 'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'}, 'identifiers': [{'scheme': 'url', 'identifier': ''}]}
Full diff:
- {'id': rdflib.term.Literal('SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM'),
+ {'id': 'SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM',
'identifiers': [{'identifier': '',
'scheme': 'url'}],
'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'},
'scheme': 'BODC-PUV',
- 'subject': rdflib.term.Literal('AMSSedAge'),
+ 'subject': 'AMSSedAge',
- 'title': {'en': '14c age of foraminiferida (itis: 44030: worms 22528) '
? ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^
+ 'title': {'en': '14C age of Foraminiferida (ITIS: 44030: WoRMS 22528) '
? ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^
- '[subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and '
? ^
+ '[Subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and '
? ^
'accelerator mass spectrometry'}},
Python / Tests (3.9, postgresql14, opensearch2):
/home/runner/work/invenio-vocabularies/invenio-vocabularies/invenio_vocabularies/contrib/subjects/euroscivoc/ in public class `EuroSciVocSubjectsTransformer`:
D400: First line should end with a period (not 't')
Python / Tests (3.9, postgresql14, opensearch2)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Python / Tests (3.12, postgresql14, opensearch2):
AssertionError: assert [{'id': 'SDN:...DC-PUV', ...}] == [{'id': rdfli...DC-PUV', ...}]
At index 0 diff: {'id': 'SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM', 'scheme': 'BODC-PUV', 'subject': 'AMSSedAge', 'title': {'en': '14C age of Foraminiferida (ITIS: 44030: WoRMS 22528) [Subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and accelerator mass spectrometry'}, 'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'}, 'identifiers': [{'scheme': 'url', 'identifier': ''}]} != {'id': rdflib.term.Literal('SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM'), 'scheme': 'BODC-PUV', 'subject': rdflib.term.Literal('AMSSedAge'), 'title': {'en': '14c age of foraminiferida (itis: 44030: worms 22528) [subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and accelerator mass spectrometry'}, 'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'}, 'identifiers': [{'scheme': 'url', 'identifier': ''}]}
Full diff:
- {'id': rdflib.term.Literal('SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM'),
+ {'id': 'SDN:P01::SAGEMSFM',
'identifiers': [{'identifier': '',
'scheme': 'url'}],
'props': {'definition': 'Accelerated mass spectrometry on picked tests'},
'scheme': 'BODC-PUV',
- 'subject': rdflib.term.Literal('AMSSedAge'),
+ 'subject': 'AMSSedAge',
- 'title': {'en': '14c age of foraminiferida (itis: 44030: worms 22528) '
? ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^
+ 'title': {'en': '14C age of Foraminiferida (ITIS: 44030: WoRMS 22528) '
? ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^
- '[subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and '
? ^
+ '[Subcomponent: tests] in sediment by picking and '
? ^
'accelerator mass spectrometry'}},
Python / Tests (3.12, postgresql14, opensearch2):
/home/runner/work/invenio-vocabularies/invenio-vocabularies/invenio_vocabularies/contrib/subjects/euroscivoc/ in public class `EuroSciVocSubjectsTransformer`:
D400: First line should end with a period (not 't')
Python / Tests (3.12, postgresql14, opensearch2)
Process completed with exit code 1.