Graphviz is a superb tool for visualizing graphs,
but for directed graphs with many strongly connected nodes, the output of
the dot
and neato
layout tools is not always readable.
This is where Undotter may help. It reads a .dot
file and recursively
smashes the strongly connected components into smaller chunks until each
contains less than a specified number of nodes (30 by default), it then
outputs them in separate .dot
files. Chunk subgraphs are replaced by a
representative node labelled with the name of the corresponding generated
The “smashing” algorithm works by identifying strong articulation points using the algorithm of Italiano, Laura, and Santaroni and then choosing one based on a local measure of quality.
Undotter also tries to improve readability by grouping edges that have the same attributes between any two nodes. Edge labels are ignored during grouping and concatenated together it the replacement edge.
In each subgraph, edges coming from or going to external nodes in other subgraphs are included by default and shown in gray.
Undotter is written in OCaml and based on the ocamlgraph library. It was developed in the Inria PARKAS team. The original motivation was to visualize cycles in the dependency graphs of very large Lustre programs.
: sets that path and prefix of the
files. -
: recursive smashing stops when a chunk contains this many nodes or less. Note that this number does not take into account the number of external nodes. -
: sets the threshold for grouping edges. Set to a very high value to avoid grouping. -
: do not include external nodes and edges. -
: group the external nodes according to the chunk in which they occur.
Using Opam:
opam install dune dune-build-info ocamlgraph