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PSG Cardano Wallet API

For consultancy services email [email protected]

Scala and Java client for the Cardano Wallet API

The Cardano node exposes a REST like API allowing clients to perform a variety of tasks including

  • creating or restoring a wallet
  • submitting a transaction with or without metadata
  • checking on the status of the node
  • listing transactions
  • listing wallets

The full list of capabilities can be found here.

This artefact wraps calls to that API to make them easily accessible to Java or Scala developers.

It also provides an executable jar to provide rudimentary command line access.


This is an sbt project, so the usual sbt commands apply.

Clone the repository

To build and publish the project to your local repository use

sbt publish

To build the command line executable jar use

sbt assembly

To build the command line executable jar skipping tests, use

sbt 'set test in assembly := {}' assembly

This will create a jar in the target/scala-2.13 folder.


The jar is part of an Akka streaming ecosystem and unsurprisingly uses Akka Http to make the http requests, it also uses circe to marshal and unmarshal the json.


The jar is published in Maven Central, the command line executable jar can be downloaded from the releases section of the github repository

Before you can use this API you need a cardano wallet backend to contact, you can set one up following the instructions here. The docker setup is recommended.

Alternatively, for 'tire kicking' purposes you may try


Add the library to your dependencies

libraryDependencies += "solutions.iog" %% "psg-cardano-wallet-api" % "x.x.x"

The api calls return a HttpRequest set up to the correct url and a mapper to take the entity result and map it from Json to the corresponding case classes. Using networkInfo as an example...

import iog.psg.cardano.CardanoApi.CardanoApiOps.{CardanoApiRequestOps}
import iog.psg.cardano.CardanoApi.{CardanoApiResponse, ErrorMessage, defaultMaxWaitTime}
import iog.psg.cardano.{ApiRequestExecutor, CardanoApi}
import iog.psg.cardano.CardanoApiCodec.NetworkInfo

import scala.concurrent.Future

object Main {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    implicit val requestExecutor = ApiRequestExecutor

    implicit val as = ActorSystem("MyActorSystem")
    val baseUri = "http://localhost:8090/v2/"
    import as.dispatcher

    val api = new CardanoApi(baseUri)

    val networkInfoF: Future[CardanoApiResponse[NetworkInfo]] =
      api.networkInfo.execute // async (recommended)

    // OR use blocking version for tests 
    val networkInfo: CardanoApiResponse[NetworkInfo] =

    networkInfo match {
      case Left(ErrorMessage(message, code)) => //do something
      case Right(netInfo: NetworkInfo) => // good!


First, add the library to your dependencies,


Then, using getWallet as an example...

import iog.psg.cardano.jpi.*;

ActorSystem as = ActorSystem.create();
ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
CardanoApiBuilder builder =
                .withActorSystem(as) // <- ActorSystem optional
                .withExecutorService(es); // <- ExecutorService optional

CardanoApi api =;

String walletId = "<PUT WALLET ID HERE>";
CardanoApiCodec.Wallet  wallet =

Command Line

To see the usage instructions, use

java -jar psg-cardano-wallet-api-assembly-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar

For example, to see the network information use

java -jar psg-cardano-wallet-api-assembly-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar -baseUrl http://localhost:8090/v2/ -netInfo


The best place to find working examples is in the test folder


This release does not cover the entire cardano-wallet API, it focuses on getting the shelley core functionality into the hands of developers, if you need another call covered please log an issue (or make a PR!)