A tiny app for OCR of Chinese VAT invoice, and to pick up the key information to Excel.
Install the necessary module by pip install.They are: paddlepaddle, paddleocr, re, PIL, pandas, PyQt5, fitz.
Go to the PaddleOCR website https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR, and donwload the inference model under the header 'Detection model','Direction classifier','Recognition model', subject to the 'Chinese and English general OCR model (143.4M)'. Then you may get 3 tar files. Unzip them and place them in the folder named 'cls','det','rec',which are usually in the following path:'your python parth'\Lib\site-packages\paddleocr\2.1\
3.Open OCRInvoice.py by whatever application. Find the following code:
self.ActOCR = PaddleOCR(rec_model_dir=r'E:\Python\Python38\Lib\site-packages\paddleocr\2.1\rec\ch', cls_model_dir=r'E:\Python\Python38\Lib\site-packages\paddleocr\2.1\cls', det_model_dir=r'E:\Python\Python38\Lib\site-packages\paddleocr\2.1\det\ch')
Replace the path with the actual path in the setp 2.
- Run OCRWindow.py to get what you want.