Supports styling text using custom HTML tags. This is particularly useful for styling text within a translated string.
NOTE: HTML is used only because it provides a convenient way to mark up text
that is supported by Translation Console. This widget provides very basic HTML
functionality by supplying default TextSpan
generators for text in bold
(using both b
and strong
tags), italics (using both i
and em
tags) and
underline. See HtmlWidget
if you want additional HTML support such as tables
or divs.
The widget takes in a map of text span builders by tag name, and the string to render.
For example:
String greeting(String name) => Intl.message(
'Hello, my name is <name>$name</name>',
name: 'greeting',
args: [name],
desc: '...',
content: greeting('Bob'),
spanBuilders: {
'name': (text) => TextSpan(
text: text,
const TextStyle(color:,
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.body1,
Would result in a widget that looks like:
Hello, my name is Bob!
accepts a GestureRecognizer
in its constructor. You can use this to
link to screens in your string.
For example:
content: '<campaign-name>Search campaign 1</campaign-name> has 400 clicks.',
spanBuilders: {
'campaign-name': (text) => TextSpan(
text: text,
style: const TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline),
recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()..onTap = () {
// Go to campaign screen...
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.body1,