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Releases: img-mapper/react-img-mapper


25 Jan 20:05
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  1. Wrote a library from scratch
  2. React 19 upgrade added
  3. Converted non-controllable manner to a controllable manner
  4. Typescript Reformatted
  5. New Utilities files added
  6. Removed yarn and added pnpm

Breaking Changes

  • prop changed to name.
  • map.areas prop changed to areas.
  • containerRef prop removed, you can directly use ref instead.
  • stayHighlighted prop changed to isMulti: false.
  • stayMultiHighlighted prop changed to isMulti: true.
  • toggleHighlighted prop changed to toggle: true.
  • rerenderProps prop removed.
  • clearHighlightedArea method removed.
  • Typescript types are changed
    • MapAreas changed to MapArea
    • CustomArea changed to Area

Fixed Issues

Full Changelog: V1.5...v2.0.0

Fully Compatible with Next.js

13 Feb 20:16
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  1. Fully Compatible with Next.js

  2. Added class names for highlighted areas

    • The highlighted area will have img-mapper-area-highlighted class name in their area tag.
  3. Removed the previously highlighted area when you click on the new highlighted area when stayHighlighted is applied. (#53)

  4. Area JSON preFillColor will not remove when the toggleHighlighted property is applied.

  5. Fixed infinity coords issue. (#42)

  6. Fixed canvas height and width issue. (#43)

  7. Upgrade to React V18 Peer Dep.

Partially Compatible with Next.js

05 Mar 22:32
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next.js onLoad problem fixed

Compatible with CommonJS

12 Jul 17:57
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Compatible with Next.js

Added Some Properties

28 Mar 22:07
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  1. Added Disabled Property in Area
  2. Added Disabled and Active Properties In JSON Area

Built in Typescript

20 Mar 19:37
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  1. Convert Project in Typescript

Shifted to Organization

13 Feb 08:44
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  1. Shifted to organization
  2. Removed Documentation from the package and shifted to another repo
  3. Added every property & method example with the code in documentation

Storybook Documentation added

22 Jan 23:43
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  1. Documentation added
  2. Bugs fixed

Responsive Image Mapper

21 Jan 21:34
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  1. Added highlighted map after clicking on the image.
  2. Added a responsive image mapper.
  3. Added Image Reference in Width, Height, and onLoad function to access image properties.
  4. Added rerenderProps prop.

Babel and Natural Prop

09 Jan 20:09
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  1. Added Natural Dimensions options ( For Network Image )
  2. Added Babel & ESLint in the example folder, for better formatting and creating compiled files