An example program for the Fortran - C binding. Also uses CMake to generate a Makefile. It is initially designed to be part of Fortran lectures in International Master on Turbulence program.
Please contact me if you have any question and/or contribution.
bin : executables
build : where to compile
includes : modules includes files
lib : libraries
src : source files
For this example there are only 3 files. And there are no subdirectories.
Note: In case of subdirectories, mention each folder accordingly.
main : calls the subroutine
- Go to build directory :
cd build
- Create Makefile with one of these command choosing compiler (gfortran, ifort, ...) and build type (Debug, Release, ...).
FC=ifort cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
FC=ifort cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
FC=gfortran cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
FC=gfortran cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
FC=mpif90 cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
FC=mpif90 cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
- Compile :
- run desired executable(s) from bin folder.