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Added a DDA vaterite example
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ilent2 committed Apr 4, 2020
1 parent 57a39aa commit a6b38cc
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions examples/dda_vaterite.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
% Generate a T-matrix for a vaterite particle using DDA
% This example shows how DDA can be used to simulate a vaterite
% particle either as a homogeneous spherical particle or with a
% sheaf-of-wheat structure.
% The example calculates the T-matrix, calculates the torque when
% the particle is placed in a Gaussian beam and shows runtime information.
% This script takes a couple of minutes on a i7 with 16 GB ram.
% If this is too slow on your system, try reducing the number
% of vaterites and the vaterite size. If you run out of memory,
% try the slower low memory DDA (see comment bellow).
% This simulation uses a rather large spacing (lambda/10) and is likely
% very inacurate, a spacing of lambda/20 or smaller would be preferable.
% Copyright 2020 Isaac Lenton.
% This file is part of the optical tweezers toolbox.
% See for information about using/distributing this file.

% Add OTT to the path (only required if OTT isn't already on the path)
% This assumes this script is in the ott/examples directory, if you
% moved the script you may need to modify this command

% Close open figures
close all;

% Make warnings less obtrusive

%% Define properties for the particle and beam

% Refractive indices of water and vaterite
% Vaterite is positive uniaxial (n_e > n_o)
index_medium = 1.33;
index_o = 1.55;
index_e = 1.65;

% Vacuum wavelength [m]
wavelength0 = 1064e-9;

% Medium and particle wavelengths [m]
wavelength_medium = wavelength0 ./ index_medium;
wavelength_particle = wavelength0 ./ [index_o, index_e];

% Describe the particle properties
spacing = min(wavelength_particle) / 10;

%% Visualise the sheaf-of-wheat structur
% In this example we model the alignment of the vaterite crystal with
% a sheaf-of-wheat structure. The definition is at the end of this file.
% The following code generates a image of the structure.

sc = 1e-6;
tol = 1e-16; % Shift focus slightly away from zero to supress warning

x = linspace(-1, 1, 100)*sc;
y = linspace(-1, 1, 100)*sc;
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(x, y);
r = [0*xx(:), xx(:), yy(:)].';

v = sheafOfWheat(r+tol, 0.5*sc);

small = 1.0e-4*sc;
streamline(xx, yy, ...
reshape(v(2, :), size(xx)), reshape(v(3, :), size(xx)), ...
[linspace(-1, 1, 100), linspace(-1, 1, 100)]*sc, [zeros(1, 100)+small, zeros(1, 100)-small]);
axis image
title('Sheaf-of-wheat visualisation');
xlabel('X Position [m]');
ylabel('Z Position [m]');

%% Generate the T-matrix
% To calculates the T-matrix we use DDA with mirror symmetry and
% rotational symmetry optimisations.

% DDA has a low memory implementation but it is slower
% Enable this if you run out of ram for the larger particles
low_memory = false;

radius = logspace(-8, -6.2147, 20);
% radius = logspace(-8, -6, 20);
times = zeros(size(radius));

% Setup variable for T-matrix (ensure it is free)
Ts = ott.TmatrixDda.empty(1, 0);

for ii = 1:length(times)

% Pre-calculate voxel locations
shape = ott.shapes.Sphere(radius(ii));
voxels = shape.voxels(spacing, 'even_range', true);

if numel(voxels) == 0
times(ii) = nan;

% Calculate polarizability unit
upol = ott.utils.polarizability.LDR(spacing ./ wavelength0, [index_o; index_o; index_e] ./ index_medium);

% Calculate sheaf-of-wheta orientations
dirs = sheafOfWheat(voxels, 0.5*radius(ii));

% Rotate polarizability and index_relative units
% We need index_relative to ensure correct scaling of the TE modes
index_relative = ott.utils.rotate_3x3tensor(...
diag([index_o, index_o, index_e] ./ index_medium), 'dir', dirs);
polarizabilities = ott.utils.rotate_3x3tensor(...
diag(upol), 'dir', dirs);


Tmatrix = ott.TmatrixDda(voxels, ...
'polarizability', polarizabilities, ...
'index_relative', index_relative, ...
'index_medium', index_medium, ...
'spacing', spacing, ...
'z_rotational_symmetry', 4, ...
'z_mirror_symmetry', true, ...
'wavelength0', wavelength0);

times(ii) = toc();

Ts(end+1) = Tmatrix;

%% Generate plot of runtime

loglog(radius, times, '*--');
xlabel('Radius [m]');
ylabel('Time [s]');
title('DDA Run-time');

%% Generate plot of the torque
% This is probably not very acurate and not very large or tiny particles.
% If we do larger particles and improve the accuracy we should be able
% to approximate figure 3 from
% Highly birefringent vaterite microspheres: production,
% characterization and applications for optical micromanipulation.
% S. Parkin, et al., Optics Express Vol. 17, Issue 24, pp. 21944-21955 (2009)
% Tips to try to reproduce this figure: specify the ms to use with
% TmatrixDda to match the ms in the beam. Increase resolution.

beam = ott.BscPmGauss('NA', 1.1, 'index_medium', index_medium, ...
'power', 1.0, 'wavelength0', wavelength0, 'polarisation', [1, -1i]);

[~, tz] = ott.forcetorque(beam, Ts, ...
'position', [0;0;0], 'rotation', eye(3));

plot(radius(end-length(Ts)+1:end), tz(3:3:end, :));
xlabel('Radius [m]');
ylabel('Torque [a.u.]');

%% Sheaf-of-wheat definition

function v = sheafOfWheat(voxels, foci_distance)
% Generate the vectors for the sheaf-of-wheat structure
% - voxels (3xN numeric) -- voxel locations
% - foci_distance (numeric) -- distance from centre to focii
% Based on code from Vincent Loke (circa 2009)

if any(voxels(:) == 0)
warning('Voxels should not be placed on planes through 0');

xneg = voxels(1, :) < 0;
yneg = voxels(2, :) < 0;
zneg = voxels(3, :) < 0;

voxels = abs(voxels);

rho = sqrt(voxels(1, :).^2 + voxels(2, :).^2);
z = voxels(3, :);

gam = asin((2^(1/2)*((foci_distance^4 - 2*foci_distance^2*rho.^2 ...
+ 2*foci_distance^2*z.^2 + rho.^4 + 2*rho.^2.*z.^2 + z.^4).^(1/2) ...
+ foci_distance^2 - rho.^2 - z.^2).^(1/2))/(2*foci_distance));

dzdrho = foci_distance/2*sin(gam).* ...
((rho./(foci_distance*cos(gam))).^2-1).^(-.5).* ...

theta = pi/2 - atan(dzdrho); % theta is relative to the z-axis
rho = sin(theta);
phi = atan(voxels(2,:)./voxels(1,:));

v = [rho.*cos(phi); rho.*sin(phi); cos(theta)];

v(1, xneg) = -v(1, xneg);
v(2, yneg) = -v(2, yneg);
v(3, zneg) = -v(3, zneg);


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