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Better Fusion Reactor is an addon for Mekanism Generators

The idea behind this addon is to bring Fusion Reactor more complicated to manage

as default fusion reactor in mekanism is nothing but "furnace generator"

In real life fusion reaction is very difficult thing and humanity is not yet achieved stable long-term reaction.

By installing this addon you will have to control certain parameters of Fusion Reactor with redstone or computers

And as higher temperatures as harder to maintain stable reaction.

Knowing this basic concept will help you to get better:

  1. Fusion reaction is better going when Current Reactivity has the same value as Target Reactivity
  2. This affects Reaction Efficiency
  3. You can manage Current Reactivity with Redstone, Reactor Interface or with computers
  4. You cannot read Target Reactivity with redstone or computers
  5. If Reaction Efficiency lower than 80% you will see rise of Error Level.
  6. When the Error Level reaches 100%, your reactor will stop and you will have to ignite it again
  7. Plasma temperature and cooling type affects how fast Error Level changes. So it is a bit harder to control reaction on lowest and highest temperatures.
  8. If your Reaction Efficient higher than 80%, Error Level will slowly go down
  9. Target Reactivity is not fixed value, it always changes and how often it happends is also depends on Plasma Temperature
  10. And the last and important thing. Efficiency somehow affects on energy, heat and steam generation.

Code originally forked from