LocalVibes is a web application designed to connect users with live music events in their area. Users can browse popular events, search for specific genres or locations, and create their own events to share with the community
- Browse Popular Events: View the top-rated events based on user engagement.
- Personalized Recommendations: Get event suggestions tailored to your preferences.
- Create and Manage Events: Users can create events, upload flyers, and manage their listings.
- Search Events: Search by genre, location, or keywords.
- Interactive Map: Explore events using a dynamic map interface.
Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally:
- git clone (https://github.com/ibhattacharj/LocalVibes.git)
- cd LocalVibes
- Navigate to the backend directory: cd backend
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start the server: node server.js
- You will be directed to the login page, once authenticated, you will be brought to the home page
- Navigate to the frontend directory
- Open source/index.html in your browser to see the home page