The Java plugin of Ibex allows to use Ibex with Choco, for solving mixed integer-continuous CSP (constraint satisfaction problems).
Starting release 2.9 of Ibex, the java interface will no longer be a separate plugin but integrated in the kernel.
You just have to run cmake
The installation procedure below is only valid for release before 2.8.
The installation of the plugin will generate, in addition to the Ibex library, the libibex-java library that contains the glue code between C++ and Java.
Under Windows, Ibex is compiled as a 32-bit library although the platform is 64 bits (this is mainly because the MinGW environment is 32-bits). Hence, Java will fail in loading Ibex unless you have a 32-bits JVM. The following instructions must be typed in the shell of MinGW.
Install ibex following instructions here
Uncompress the archive ibex-2.8.9.tar.gz in some Ibex folder::
~/Ibex/$ tar xvfz ibex-2.8.9.tar.gz
Download the last release of the ibex-java plugin (1.0.0)
Uncompress the archive
Rename the folder
and place this folder under~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/plugins
Set the environment variable
. Typical paths are/Library/Java/Home
(MacOS) or/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i38
(Linux). Example::~/Ibex/$ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
Then configure and install Ibex as follows::
~/Ibex/$ cd ibex-2.8.9 ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf configure [...] --enable-shared --with-jni --java-package-name=org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf install
Note: the
option is mandatory.
Install ibex following instructions here
Open a MinGW prompt window.
Uncompress the archive ibex-2.8.9.tar.gz in some Ibex folder::
~/Ibex/$ tar xvfz ibex-2.8.9.tar.gz
Download the last release of the ibex-java plugin (1.0.0)
Uncompress the archive
Rename the folder
and place this folder under~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/plugins
Set the environment variable
to the home directory of the 32 bits JDK. The variable must be set in Linux-style (don't use backslash ("\") as separator), e.g.::~/Ibex/$ export JAVA_HOME=/c/Java/jdk1.7.1_17
Update the path as follows::
~/Ibex/$ set PATH=%PATH%;[prefix]\lib;C:\MinGW\bin
where [prefix] is the path specified via--prefix
Warning: The path must not contain white spaces, like ”/c/Program Files/...”. Create a symbolik link of your Java directory if necessary.
Then configure Ibex as follows::
~/Ibex/$ cd ibex-2.8.9 ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf configure [...] --enable-shared --with-jni --java-package-name=org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf install
Note: the
option is mandatory.
The IbexOpt plugin supports the following options (to be used with waf configure
) :
Option | Description |
--with-jni |
Activate the Java plugin. |
--java-package-name=PACKAGE_NAME |
The plugin will create the PACKAGE_NAME.jar file. This file is put into the [prefix]/share/java where [prefix] is /usr/local by default or whatever path specified via --prefix . |
When running the “CycloHexan” example from Choco using Ibex, the following error appears::
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real.Ibex.add_ctr(ILjava/lang/String;I)V
at org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real.Ibex.add_ctr(Native Method)
at org.chocosolver.solver.constraint.propagators.real.RealPropagator.<init>(
at org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real.RealConstraint.addFunction(
at samples.real.CycloHexan.buildModel(
at samples.AbstractProblem.execute(
at samples.real.CycloHexan.main(
Solution: You probably did not set the Java package properly. The java package of the Ibex class in Choco is org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real, try::
./waf configure [....] --java-package-name=org.chocosolver.solver.constraints.real
I get this message when running waf configure.
Solution: The JAVA_HOME
must be the path of the JDK and contain a subdirectoy include which, in turn, contains the jni.h header file (for Java versions <10).
On MacOS this path can be /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdkXXXX.jdk/Contents/Home