This module will allow you to pre-configure topics (initially tested for Kafka, but other transports should work)
export class KafkaController {
* @param {string} stands for Global topics map key. handles <string|string[]> as value
async process(@Payload() data, @Ctx() context: KafkaContext) {
console.log("Process message with dynamically defined topics.");
#How it works
- Specific "controller" decorator is created to add kafka topic candidate metadata.
- Once
await app.init()
is called nestjs initialize all modules, providers and so on - OnModuleInit lifecycle hook runs and adds topics to map
export class SomeService implements OnModuleInit {
@Inject("KAFKA_TOPICS_MAP") private readonly kafkaTopicsMap: Map<string|symbol, string|string[]>
){ }
async onModuleInit() {
// You could fetch it from database or external API. Next lines are just for exampple
this.kafkaTopicsMap.set("DYNAMIC_TOPICS_KEY", [
- Then KafkaDecoratorProcessorService processes all controller methods that decorated with specific decorator (ref 1st step) and decorates it with vanilla nestjs
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(type.prototype, prop),
- define module (root or feature?)
- define topics map
- process topics on specific controllers