Hello! Welcome to the TelegramManager repository, where we are building an application for automating the publication of posts on Telegram.
- Installed and running PostgreSQL
- OpenJDK 11
- CUBA Platform version 7.2
- The project is designed for the automatic filling of posts in a Telegram channel and subsequent publication, leading to earnings of $1,000,000.
- A post sent to a Telegram channel.
Field | Data Type | Description |
ID | Unique number | Unique identifier of the post |
NAME | String | Name of the note |
DESCRIPTION | String | Description of the note |
URL | String | URL to the video player |
DATE_SCHEDULED | Date and Time | Date and time of scheduled post |
DATE_PUBLICATION | Date and Time | Date and time of post publication |
STATUS | String | Status of the post (default is "DRAFT") |
CHAT | Chat | Chat associated with the post |
FILES | List | List of files associated with the post |
CATEGORIES | List | List of categories associated with the post |
RATING | String | Rating of the movie/show |
RUNTIME | String | Duration (runtime) of the movie/show |
MOVIE_ID | String | Movie identifier (movieId) associated with the post |
- Category used for specifying movie categories.
Field | Data Type | Description |
ID | Unique number | Unique identifier of the category |
NAME | String | Category name |
MOVIEDB_ID | String | Category identifier in MovieDB |
- Telegram channel to be serviced.
Field | Data Type | Description |
ID | Unique number | Unique identifier of the chat |
NAME | String | Chat name |
DESCRIPTION | String | Description of the chat |
CHAT_ID | String | Chat identifier (telegram) |
BOT_TOKEN | String | Bot token associated with the chat (telegram) |
CHAT_MEMBERS_COUNT | String | Number of chat members |
FILES | List | Chat avatar |
- Player for storing links to movies taken from an external site.
Field | Data Type | Description |
ID | Unique number | Unique identifier of the player |
NAME | String | Name of the movie |
MOVIE_ID | String | Movie identifier in MovieDB |
- Status of the post
Value | Description |
PUBLISHED | PUBLISHED - The post has been sent to the channel |
DELAYED | DELAYED - The post is scheduled for a future date |
DRAFT | DRAFT - The post has not been sent, and there is no scheduled date |
The project was developed by I_Alakey.