Hyprgraphics is a small C++ library with graphics / resource related utilities used across the hypr* ecosystem.
Hyprgraphics depends on the ABI stability of the stdlib implementation of your compiler. Sover bumps will be done only for hyprgraphics ABI breaks, not stdlib.
Requires a compiler with C++26 support.
Dep list:
- pixman-1
- cairo
- hyprutils
- libjpeg
- libwebp
- libjxl [optional]
- libjxl_cms [optional]
- libjxl_threads [optional]
- libmagic
- libspng
git clone https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprgraphics
cd hyprgraphics/
cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -S . -B ./build
cmake --build ./build --config Release --target all -j`nproc 2>/dev/null || getconf NPROCESSORS_CONF`
sudo cmake --install build