What's Changed
- Back on dev. by @Narsil in #313
- Clarify specification around endianness and header padding by @akx in #306
- Adding new target for m1 by @Narsil in #317
- Fixing macos 13 release script (by prebuilding). by @Narsil in #315
- Cache dir all the time. by @Narsil in #319
- Supporting whisper conversion. by @Narsil in #320
- add tensorshare to featured projects by @chainyo in #322
- Fix Bench GH action. by @Narsil in #323
- Yaml is nice. by @Narsil in #325
- Fixing big endian. by @Narsil in #327
- Fixing boolean + numpy > 1.20 by @Narsil in #326
- Add NumPy for all backends dependencies by @chainyo in #332
- impl
by @coreylowman in #329 - Reworked the release script entirely by @Narsil in #334
- Preparing small patch release (Big Endian fix). by @Narsil in #335
- Temporary revert of the breaking change (keep it for 0.4.0). by @Narsil in #336
- Don't release rust versions on RC by @Narsil in #337
- Fixing release script. by @Narsil in #338
- Python 3.8 for arm by @Narsil in #339
- Win64. by @Narsil in #342
- win64 by @Narsil in #343
- Trying out maturin. by @Narsil in #344
- Reduce memory allocations by @cospectrum in #350
- [docs] Convert weights by @stevhliu in #345
- Update types for load_model filename by @kevinhu in #356
- Fixing release script for windows aarch64 and 3.12 by @Narsil in #348
- Minor docstring edit to flax.py by @paulbricman in #359
- Stop recreating the hashmap all the time. by @Narsil in #363
- fix: add py.typed by @b-kamphorst in #365
- Preparing a new release (0.4.0). by @Narsil in #366
- Supporting bfloat16 for tensorflow + jax (was failing because of intermediary numpy). by @Narsil in #382
- Fix typo by @cccntu in #377
- Support fp8_e4m3/fp8_e5m2 by @Narsil in #383
- Better convert. by @Narsil in #384
- Ignore closed PRs to avoid spam. by @Narsil in #385
- Adding support for Ascend NPU by @statelesshz in #372
- Fix convert. by @Narsil in #390
New Contributors
- @akx made their first contribution in #306
- @chainyo made their first contribution in #322
- @coreylowman made their first contribution in #329
- @cospectrum made their first contribution in #350
- @stevhliu made their first contribution in #345
- @kevinhu made their first contribution in #356
- @paulbricman made their first contribution in #359
- @b-kamphorst made their first contribution in #365
- @cccntu made their first contribution in #377
- @statelesshz made their first contribution in #372
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.1