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@github-actions github-actions released this 19 Apr 13:59
· 123 commits to main since this release


  • There is now a display for how many different variations of a patient template exists.
  • There is now a display for whether a patient is pregnant.
  • The patient status display that visualizes the progression of a patient explains its icons via a tooltip.
  • There is now a behavior that answers vehicle requests from other regions.
  • There is now a behavior that automatically distributes vehicles to regions.
    • The types and optional limits of the distribution can be specified.
    • The behavior distributes the vehicles in rounds of one vehicle per category for every region every 60 seconds
  • There is now a behavior to forward requests to other simulated regions or the trainees.
  • There is now a radiogram for missing transfer connections and vehicle requests.
    • Radiograms for vehicle requests can also be answered in the user interface, whether they have been accepted or not.
  • When personnel is missing during patient treatment in a simulated region, the reassign treatment activity now sends an event to notify the region about the shortage.
  • A new behavior has been added to respond to personnel shortages by instructing the region to request new vehicles.
    • The priorities of vehicles to request can be configured in a new behavior tab.
  • Development builds (the docker container with the tag) now show the commit hash they have been built from in the version number.
  • The time until the next treatment recalculation for the automatic patient treatment is shown.


  • New patients added to simulated regions during treatment are now also triaged and treated.
  • When treatment is no longer secured, the displayed status is reverted back to lack of personnel.
  • When the treatment status changes, personnel is reassigned immediately instead of after the next interval.


  • The icon for (transport priority) in a patient status code has been changed to a road sign to be distinguishable from the icon for (complication).
  • and are now inclusive.
  • Connected transfer points and hospitals are now listed in alphabetical order in the transfer popups.


  • Dead/Black patients can now be treated (for the automatic triage to work), but they won't be treated after triage.