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Developer (git) Workflow

henleo edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 4 revisions

1. Open a new branch

  • For a new Feature, use a new Branch: git checkout -b <issuenumber>/description-here
  • Example: git checkout -b 3/add-readme.

2. Add commits

  • small/'atomic' commits

  • commit messages

    • should complete the sentence: "When applied this commit will...",
      start with a captial letter and end with a dot and reference their issue
    • not surpass 72 symbols to still be displayed inline on github
  • Example: "When applied this commit will" Add a signup button to the main page. Ref #24

    • If you need more lines (should not be necessary with atomic commits but sometimes it happens). Make the first line a concise conclusion, with the dot and reference. And add more description in following lines.
      Multiline example:
      Add profile pages. Ref #41  
      - Add path to profile /:user/profile
      - Add profile icons
      - Add fancy dashboard about user actions:
      - Displays status messages, follows and eaten cookies

3. Open a Pull Requests

  • Open a PR on github and add reviewers

4. Add more commits

  • Until your Pull Request is accepted

5. Merge

  • After a succsessfull review: rebase your branch to the curent state of the master
    (git fetch and then: git rebase -i origin/master)
  • and merge with option: Rebase and Merge.