Rust wrapper for the Yandex MyStem 3.1 morpholocial analyzer of the Russian language.
The wrapper was tested on Ubuntu Linux 18.04+, Windows 10. Mystem binary should be accessible via PATH so manual installation is required. MyStem Web Site
let mut instance = mystem::MyStem::new()?;
for stem in instance.stemming("Связался с лучшим - подохни как все.".into())? {
"'{}' most likely is a '{}' and lexeme is '{}'.",
//'Связался' most likely is a 'Verb' and lexeme is 'связываться'.
//'с' most likely is a 'Preposition' and lexeme is 'с'.
//'лучшим' most likely is a 'Adjective' and lexeme is 'хороший'.
//'подохни' most likely is a 'Verb' and lexeme is 'подыхать'.
//'как' most likely is a 'Conjunction' and lexeme is 'как'.
//'все' most likely is a 'AdjectivePronoun' and lexeme is 'весь'.