A python library to access GivEnergy inverters via Modbus TCP on a local network, with no dependency on the GivEnergy Cloud.
⚠️ This project makes no representations as to its completeness or correctness. You use it at your own risk — if your inverter mysteriously explodes because you accidentally set theBOOMTIME
register or you consume a MWh of electricity doing SOC calibration: you really are on your own. We make every effort to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot, so as long as you use the client and its exposed methods, you should be perfectly safe.
- Documentation: https://hoggyhoggy.github.io/givenergy-modbus-async
- GitHub: https://hoggyhoggy.github.io/givenergy-modbus-async
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/givenergy-modbus/
- Free software: Apache-2.0
- Reading all registers and decoding them into their representative datatypes
- Writing data to holding registers that are deemed to be safe to set configuration on the inverter
Use the provided client to interact with the device over the network, and register caches to build combined state of a device:
import datetime
from givenergy_modbus.client.client import Client
from givenergy_modbus.model.plant import Plant, Inverter
client = Client(host="")
await client.connect()
# note - importing givenergy_modbus.client.commands is now deprecated
commands = client.commands
await client.exec(commands.enable_charge_target(80))
# set a charging slot from 00:30 to 04:30
await client.exec(commands.set_charge_slot_1((datetime.time(hour=0, minute=30), datetime.time(hour=4, minute=30)))
# set the inverter to charge when there's excess, and discharge otherwise. it will also respect charging slots.
await client.exec(commands.set_mode_dynamic())
p = client.plant
inverter = p.inverter
assert inverter.serial_number == 'SA1234G567'
assert inverter.model == Model.Hybrid
assert inverter.v_pv1 == 1.4 # V
assert inverter.e_battery_discharge_day == 8.1 # kWh
assert inverter.enable_charge_target
b0 = p.batteries[0]
assert b0.serial_number == 'BG1234G567'
assert b0.v_battery_cell_01 == 3.117
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the waynerv/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.