is an R package for querying and analyzing the different layers of biomedical data through the BD2K PIC-SURE RESTful API
This repository is used for Rcupcake
- Version: 1.0.1
- Authors: Alba Gutierrez-Sacristan (HMS)
- Maintainer: Alba Gutierrez-Sacristan (HMS)
This code supports the analysis presented in: "Rcupcake: an R package for querying and analyzing biomedical data through the BD2K PIC-SURE RESTful API" https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/34/8/1431/4756095
Gutiérrez-Sacristán, A., Guedj, R., Korodi, G., Stedman, J., Furlong, L.I., Patel, C.J., Kohane, I.S. and Avillach, P., 2018. Rcupcake: an R package for querying and analyzing biomedical data through the BD2K PIC-SURE RESTful API. Bioinformatics, 34(8), pp.1431-1432.