A simple editor that make easy to type superscript
and subscript
You can easily install from google play.
For directly download, see releases
- Easy to use
- Not busy with switching keyboard
There are many keyboards out there for typing superscript and subscript.
However, It's not easy to use for eveyone.
For example, if we need to type H₂O
then we have to switch specific keyboard just to type ₂
Then I have to switch back my keyboard again.
That's so annoying for users just for typing superscript and subscript.
Now we have Scripty
, when we need to type H₂O
just open Scripty
app and choose what you want to type,
and type superscript
and subscript
No matter whatever keyboard you are using.
- will able to save specific words, example
e = mc²
- will able to copy from saved words
- will able to export all saved words as
(⁽ )⁾ +⁺ 0⁰ 1¹ 2² 3³ 4⁴ 5⁵ 6⁶ 7⁷ 8⁸ 9⁹ =⁼ Aᴬ Bᴮ Dᴰ Eᴱ Gᴳ Hᴴ Iᴵ Jᴶ Kᴷ Lᴸ Mᴹ Nᴺ Oᴼ Pᴾ Rᴿ Tᵀ Uᵁ Wᵂ
aᵃ bᵇ cᶜ dᵈ eᵉ fᶠ gᵍ hʰ iⁱ jʲ kᵏ lˡ mᵐ nⁿ oᵒ pᵖ rʳ sˢ tᵗ uᵘ vᵛ wʷ xˣ yʸzᶻ Æᴭ ðᶞ ŋᵑ Ǝᴲ ƫᶵ Ȣᴽ ɐᵄ
ɑᵅ ɒᶛ ɔᵓ ɕᶝ əᵊ ɛᵋ ɜᶟ ɟᶡ ɡᶢ ɣˠ ɥᶣ ɦʱ ɨᶤ ɩᶥ ɪᶦ ɭᶩ ɯᵚ ɰᶭ ɱᶬ ɲᶮ ɳᶯ ɴᶰ ɵᶱ ɸᶲ ɹʴ ɻʵ ʁʶ ʂᶳ ʃᶴ ʉᶶ ʊᶷ ʋᶹ
ʌᶺ ʐᶼ ʑᶽ ʒᶾ ʕˤ ʝᶨ ʟᶫ βᵝ γᵞ δᵟ θᶿ φᵠ χᵡ нᵸ ᴂᵆ ᴈᵌ ᴖᵔ ᴗᵕ ᴜᶸ ᴝᵙ ᴥᵜ ᵻᶧ ᶅᶪ −⁻
(₍ )₎ +₊ 0₀ 1₁ 2₂ 3₃ 4₄ 5₅ 6₆ 7₇ 8₈ 9₉ =₌ aₐ eₑ hₕ iᵢ kₖ lₗ mₘ nₙ oₒ pₚ rᵣ sₛ tₜ uᵤ vᵥ xₓ əₔ βᵦ γᵧ ρᵨ φᵩ χᵪ −₋