Releases: hjyoon93/iMIA
Releases · hjyoon93/iMIA
BPMN2TypeDB-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT-20230607; TypeDB2BPMN-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-20230607; RandomSBNTraining-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20230607; and TypeDB2SBN-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20230607
BPMN2TypeDB-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT-20230607; TypeDB2BPMN-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-20230607; RandomSBNTraining-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20230607; and TypeDB2SBN-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20230607
- BPMN2TypeDB: reads BPMN2 files and outputs TypeQL schema and data files. It also has a feature to create a mapping between the BPMN elements and DALNIM conceptual model (can be enabled and configured with
- TypeDB2BPMN: a tool that queries for BPMN definitions in a TypeDB database and saves the results to a BPMN2 file. This can be virtually thought as the inverse of the above.
- RandomSBNTraining: a program to generate random SBN structure (with some control parameters, like number of nodes, states, treewidth) and random training data, in order to run some experiments of parameter learning.
- TypeDB2SBN: this program generates an SBN structure (i.e., input for SBN parameter learning) from DALNIM iMIA knowledge base (stored in TypeDB). It can be used to write Hugin .NET files from information queried from a TypeDB database.
See and for more details.