A plugin-component for the layout stylesheet.
This project is distributed under a GNU General Public License v3 - Take a look at the COPYING file for details.
Install Git if it's not already installed on your computer. Then run (this will download this project to the folder the shell has open):
$ git clone https://github.com/hiof/layout.git
Install io.js (or Node.js) if it's not already installed on your computer. Then run (this will install the project dependencies):
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build
: Compiles and builds the layout plugin
- Rename secret-template.json to secret.json and add your credentials.
- Deploy and test your code on the staging server
$ grunt deploy-stage
- Deploy to production
$ grunt deploy-prod
- Needs to run on neted3.hiof.no in a regular template
- Required for hiof.no to work as espected
- - v1.0.1 - Initial layout
- - Make the layout project agnostic