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A Julia wrapper for OneDNN.


The code snippets below show how to use the functionality of OneDNN.jl.

julia> using OneDNN

# Construct a standard Julia array.
julia> x = randn(Float32, 100, 100);

# Wrap the Julia array in a `OneDNN.Memory` type.
# This will allow OneDNN to use the memory owned by Julia.
# `Memory` is opaque because the OneDNN library can have exotic
# memory layouts.
julia> y = Memory(x)
Opaque Memory (100, 100)

# Perform element-wise computation.
julia> z = abs.(y)
Opaque Memory (100, 100)

# To make the memory accessible by julia, use `OneDNN.materialize`.
julia> OneDNN.materialize(z)
100×100 Matrix{Float32}

julia> OneDNN.materialize(z) == abs.(x)

Exposed Primitives


The following element wise primitive are exposed for both forward and backward propagation. More can be added easily if desired.

  • Linear(alpha, beta): Scale each entry x in X by alpha * x + beta.
  • Base.abs: Absolute value.
  • Flux.sigmoid: Sigmoid activation function.
  • Base.sqrt: Elementwise square root.
  • Flux.relu: Relu activation function.
  • Base.log: Elementwiase natural logarithm.

Low level eltwise functions can be accessed using the function

OneDNN.eltwise(src::OneDNN.Memory, kind::OneDNN.Lib.dnnl_alg_kind_t, alpha = one(Float32), beta = zero(Float32))

Where src is the source memory tensor, kind is the C enum exposed by the OneDNN C header, and alpha/beta are scaling parameters.


The following binary primitives are exposed for both forward and backward propagation.

  • +: Elementwise addition of two Memorys.
  • -: Elementwise subtraction of two Memorys.
  • *: Elementwise multiplication.
  • /: Elementwise division.
  • min: Elementwise min.
  • max: Elementwise min.


Both softmax and logsoftmax are exposed.

julia> using OneDNN

julia> x = rand(Float32, 5)
5-element Vector{Float32}:

julia> OneDNN.materialize(OneDNN.softmax(Memory(x), 1))
5-element Vector{Float32}:

Dense Layers

Dense layers can be constructed directly or taken from existing Flux.Dense layers.

julia> using Flux, Zygote, OneDNN

# Construct a simple MLP
julia> flux = Chain(
    Dense(10 => 20, Flux.relu),
    Dense(20 => 40, Flux.relu),
    Dense(40 => 10, Flux.sigmoid),
  Dense(10 => 20, relu),                # 220 parameters
  Dense(20 => 40, relu),                # 840 parameters
  Dense(40 => 10, σ),                   # 410 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 1_470 parameters, 6.117 KiB.

julia> onednn = Chain(OneDNN.Dense.(flux)...)
  Dense(10 => 20, relu),                # 220 parameters
  Dense(20 => 40, relu),                # 840 parameters
  Dense(40 => 10, σ),                   # 410 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 1_470 parameters, 6.562 KiB.

# Forward pass works for both
julia> x = randn(Float32, 10, 16)

julia> isapprox(OneDNN.materialize(onednn(x)), flux(x))

# We can also compute backwards passes
julia> y, pullback = Zygote._pullback(onednn, x)
(Opaque Memory (10, 16), (λ))

julia> pullback(y)

As a technical detail, activations will be fused where possible. Also, note that we don't need to convert x to a OneDNN.Memory when passing it into a dense layer.

Convolution Layers

Convolution layers function much like dense layers, except that OneDNN's convolution is really mapped to Flux's cross-correlation.

julia> using Flux, Zygote, OneDNN

julia> flux = Chain(
       Flux.CrossCor((3, 3), 10 => 20, identity),
       Flux.CrossCor((5, 5), 20 => 40, Flux.sigmoid),
       Flux.CrossCor((2, 2), 40 => 10, Flux.relu),
  CrossCor((3, 3), 10 => 20),           # 1_820 parameters
  CrossCor((5, 5), 20 => 40, σ),        # 20_040 parameters
  CrossCor((2, 2), 40 => 10, relu),     # 1_610 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 23_470 parameters, 92.664 KiB.

julia> onednn = Chain(OneDNN.Conv.(flux)...)
  Conv((3, 3), 10 => 20),               # 1_820 parameters
  Conv((5, 5), 20 => 40, σ),            # 20_040 parameters
  Conv((2, 2), 40 => 10, relu),         # 1_610 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 23_470 parameters, 133.953 KiB

julia> x = randn(Float32, 32, 32, 10, 32);

# Again, we don't need to wrap `x` in a `OneDNN.Memory` when passing it to `onednn`.
# This is handled automatically.
julia> isapprox(OneDNN.materialize(onednn(x)), flux(x))

# Also, reverse passes can be constructed.
julia> y, pullback = Zygote._pullback(onednn, x)
(Opaque Memory (25, 25, 10, 32), (λ))

julia> pullback(y)


Multiple memories can be concatenated together, complete with the corresponding backwards pass.

julia> using OneDNN

julia> x, y, z = ntuple(_-> randn(Float32, 2, 2), Val(3));

julia> X, Y, Z = OneDNN.Memory.((x, y, z))
(Opaque Memory (2, 2), Opaque Memory (2, 2), Opaque Memory (2, 2))

julia> OneDNN.materialize(OneDNN.concat((X, Y, Z), 1)) == vcat(x, y, z)

julia> OneDNN.materialize(OneDNN.concat((X, Y, Z), 2)) == hcat(x, y, z)


Forward and backwards pooling (max and mean) are supported. The compatibility with Flux is not yet super nice for these layers unfortunately.

julia> using OneDNN

julia> pool = OneDNN.MaxPool((3, 3); stride = 1, pad = 1);

julia> x = randn(Float32, 12, 12, 16, 16);

julia> pool(x);
Opaque Memory (12, 12, 16, 16)

Batch Normalization

The batch-normalization primitive is supported using the scale-shift technique. The array scale_shift is a 2-D array with per-channel scaling factors in the first column and per-channel shift factors in the second column.

julia> using OneDNN

julia> scale_shift = hcat(2 .* ones(Float32, 4), 0.1f0 .* ones(Float32, 4))
4×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 2.0  0.1
 2.0  0.1
 2.0  0.1
 2.0  0.1

julia> bn = OneDNN.BatchNorm(scale_shift);

julia> x = ones(Float32, 4, 4)
4×4 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

julia> OneDNN.materialize(bn(x))
  0.000116 seconds (4 allocations: 176 bytes)
4×4 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1
 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1
 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1
 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1


Accelerating DNN operations to the moon!







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