Small ncurses menu for c programs and shell scripts, similar to suckless' dmenu.
It reads the contents of stdin and changes them to stdout. It takes the second argument as the prompt, and if the third one is set to "t" or "true", it will write the index of the line instead of the line itself. An example might look like:
ls -1 --color=never | mmenu "select file: " | xargs less -R
The main (mmenu) function takes 3 inputs, the options, (similar to argv), the length of the options (similar to argc), and the prompt to be asked (a string). The return value is the index of the element chosen, or -1 in the case of none. The -lncurses flag is required at compilation. An example may look like:
#include "mmenu.h"
int main() {
char* options[5] = {"Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four"};
int chosen = mmenu(options, 5, "Please choose an option: ");
if(chosen == -1) exit(1);
printf("You chose: %s", options[chosen]);