This project involves designing and implementing a spatial database to model city interactions between businesses and citizens.
- Ensure you have PostgreSQL and PostGIS installed.
- Install Python and psycopg2 library if not already installed:
pip install psycopg2
- Clone the repository.
- Run the provided Python script to set up the database:
- Building: Stores information about buildings in the city.
- Citizen: Contains details about the citizens.
- Business: Includes data about businesses operating in the city.
- ProductService: Lists products and services offered by businesses.
- Park: Represents parks in the city.
- Road: Details about roads in the city.
- Landmark: Information about landmarks.
- Happening: Events or happenings within the city.
- Employment: Relates citizens to businesses for employment data.
- RoadLeadsToPark, RoadLeadsToLandmark, RoadLeadsToBuilding: Relationships between roads and other entities.
- Sponsorship: Links businesses to events they sponsor.
script allows users to execute predefined queries or custom SQL queries.
The predefined queries are as follows:
JOIN Query: Find the names of citizens and the buildings they live in.
SELECT Citizen.first_name, Citizen.last_name, Building.address FROM Citizen JOIN Building ON Citizen.livesIn =;
GROUP BY Query with COUNT: Count how many citizens live in each building.
SELECT Building.address, COUNT(Citizen.cid) AS num_of_citizens FROM Citizen JOIN Building ON Citizen.livesIn = GROUP BY;
AVG Query: Calculate the average age of citizens.
SELECT AVG(age) AS average_age FROM Citizen;
MIN Query: Identifies the oldest building(s).
SELECT address, constructionYear FROM Building WHERE constructionYear = (SELECT MIN(constructionYear) FROM Building);
MAX Query: Find the maximum price across all products/services.
SELECT, ProductService.price AS max_price FROM Business JOIN ProductService ON Business.buid = ProductService.offeredByBusiness WHERE ProductService.price = (SELECT MAX(price) FROM ProductService);
Nested Query: Find the names of businesses that have more than the average number of products.
SELECT name FROM Business WHERE buid IN ( SELECT offeredByBusiness FROM ProductService GROUP BY offeredByBusiness HAVING COUNT(prid) > ( SELECT AVG(count) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(prid) AS count FROM ProductService GROUP BY offeredByBusiness ) AS average_products ) );
VIEW Creation and Usage: Create a view for the number of employees per business.
CREATE VIEW BusinessEmployeeCount AS SELECT Business.buid,, COUNT(Employment.cid) AS num_of_employees FROM Business JOIN Employment ON Business.buid = Employment.buid GROUP BY Business.buid; SELECT name, num_of_employees FROM BusinessEmployeeCount WHERE num_of_employees > 0;
Area Calculation: Calculate the area of a park.
SELECT pid, ST_Area(location) AS area, location AS geometry FROM Park WHERE name = 'Grand Central Park';
Distance Calculation: Calculate the distance between two points of interest.
SELECT,, ST_Distance(Landmark.location, Park.location) AS distance, Landmark.location AS landmark_geometry, Park.location AS park_geometry FROM Landmark, Park WHERE = 'Expanded City Museum' AND = 'Grand Central Park';
Intersect Query: Find roads that intersect with parks.
SELECT AS road_name, AS park_name, ST_AsText(r.location) AS road_geometry, ST_AsText(p.location) AS park_geometry FROM Road r, Park p WHERE ST_Intersects(r.location, p.location);
Within Query: Find landmarks within parks.
SELECT AS LandmarkName, AS ParkName, Landmark.location AS geometry FROM Landmark, Park WHERE ST_Within(Landmark.location, Park.location);
Touch Query: Find roads that touch parks.
SELECT AS park_name, AS road_name, p.location AS park_geometry, r.location AS road_geometry FROM Park p, Road r WHERE ST_Touches(p.location, r.location);
Nested Query: Find parks that are larger than the average size.
SELECT name, location AS geometry FROM Park WHERE ST_Area(location) > (SELECT AVG(ST_Area(location)) FROM Park);
VIEW Creation and Usage: Find roads that touch buildings.
CREATE VIEW RoadsTouchingBuildings AS SELECT AS building_id, b.address AS building_address, r.rid AS road_id, AS road_name, ST_AsText(b.location) AS building_geometry, ST_AsText(r.location) AS road_geometry FROM Building b, Road r WHERE ST_Touches(b.location, r.location); SELECT * FROM RoadsTouchingBuildings;
Disjoint Query: Find buildings that do not intersect with parks.
SELECT Building.address, Building.location AS geometry FROM Building, Park WHERE ST_Disjoint(Building.location, Park.location) AND = 'Triangle Park';
Overlap Query: Find parks that overlap landmarks.
SELECT,, ST_Intersection(Park.location, Landmark.location) AS intersection_geometry FROM Park, Landmark WHERE ST_Overlaps(Park.location, Landmark.location);