Cloud Database Manager - Community Edition.
CloudBeaver is a web server which provides rich web interface. Server itself is a Java application, web part is written on TypeScript and React.
It is free to use and open-source (licensed under Apache 2 license).
See out WIKI for more details.
You can see live demo of CloudBeaver here:
Changes since 22.1.0
- Public page:
- administrators can create shared connections via the Connection menu.
- Resource Manager:
- users can group scripts into folders;
- when internet connection is lost, script editing is disabled to prevent users from losing data;
- users can refresh all scripts by clicking one button;
- users can rename scripts.
- Database Navigator:
- users can group connections into folders.
- SQL Editor:
- "Link with Editor" tool is now available for the SQL Editor and synchronizes it with the element in the Database Navigator;
- script formatting can be undone.
- The Data Editor:
- non-editable tables are marked;
- users can change the coordinate system for spatial data in the Value panel.
- Local configuration:
- the application language can be set;
- the number of table rows to load can be configured to prevent the application from slowing down in the following cases:
- the default number of loaded rows when users open a table and then scroll it,
- the minimum and maximum number of rows, which users can load at once when scrolling the table;
- SQL query execution time limit can be changed;
- The cookies can be disabled.
- The product upgrade scripts were improved to avoid possible UI issues.
- A lot of small bug fixes, enhancements and improvements have been made.
- Local configuration:
- The structure of the local configuration file has been improved to simplify the modification process;
- A detailed description of the configuration file structure has been added to the wiki.
- The version upgrade does not affect the CloudBeaver UI due to the local cache.
- Different improvements have been made.
- Scripts can be renamed in the Resource Manager.
- Different Resource Management improvements have been made.
- New folders allow users to group:
- connections in the Navigator tree;
- scripts in the Resource Manager.
- The Navigator tree and the Resource Manager can be refreshed.
- The application language can be set in the configuration file.
- Different bugs have been fixed.
- New types of messages have been added to the Log Viewer.
- Formatting can be undone in the SQL Editor.
- "Link with editor" now also synchronizes the active SQL Editor with the element in the Database Navigator.
- Additional confirmations were added in case there are any unsaved changes in result sets. Applied for the following actions: logout, connection disconnect, connection delete.
- The cookies can be disabled via the configuration file.
- SQL query execution time limit can be configured now.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
Changes since 22.0.0
- The new Resource Manager allows users to store and manage scripts in CloudBeaver.
- Data Editor:
- The auto-refresh tool has been added to update table data automatically;
- Big values can be saved to an external file;
- The Value panel supports BLOB images.
- SQL Editor:
- Object names can be added to the SQL Editor field by dragging them from the Navigator Tree;
- The SQL Editor for a connection can be opened via URL.
- Metadata Editor:
- Objects DDL can be opened in the SQL Editor.
- Authentication:
- Users can login to the application via Nginx.
- Connection:
- Keep-Alive interval and Connect timeout parameters can be configured for an SSH Tunnel;
- SQL Server supports NTLM authentication;
- Administrators can use PgPass authentication for PostgreSQL.
- Administration:
- The Resource Manager can be disabled;
- Administrators can revoke and return permissions to a user with a single click in the user's dialog.
- Local configuration:
- The size limit of the Resource Manager scripts and the Value panel files can be configured to improve CloudBeaver performance;
- SSH key value for a connection can be stored in the configuration file.
- Application fields can be returned to a default size by double-clicking on the field's separator.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
- The new Resource manager allows users to store and manage scripts in CloudBeaver.
- The auto-refresh tool is added to the Data Editor to update table data automatically.
- The SQL Editor for a connection can be opened via URL.
- Administrators can revoke and return permissions to a user with a single click in the user's dialog.
- SSH key value for a connection can be stored in the configuration file.
- Other improvements have been made.
- Improvements for the Metadata Editor Performance: table scrolling and switching tabs are faster now.
- The Value Panel:
- support of BLOB images has been added;
- big values can be saved to an external file;
- the size of the displayed content can be set in the configuration file.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
- LOB-files can be saved to an external file from the Data Editor context menu.
- The administrator can use PgPass as an Authentication method for PostgreSQL.
- Application fields can be returned to a default size by double-clicking on the field's separator.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
- Keep-Alive interval and Connect timeout parameters can be configured for an SSH Tunnel in the Connection dialog.
- Object names can be added to the SQL Editor field by dragging them from the Navigator Tree.
- Objects DDL can be opened in the SQL Editor.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
- The Navigator tree and the Metadata Editor open folders faster.
- The application supports authentication with Nginx.
- User access information can be stored in an SQLite database.
- Different bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
Changes since 21.3.0
- Administration:
- Specific drivers can be excluded from the connection list.
- Data Editor:
- Arrays can be edited in tables.
- SQL Editor:
- Parsing of scripts with delimiters has been improved.
- The SQL Editor tabs can be renamed.
- Database Navigator:
- The new menu allows you to:
- filter objects in the Database Navigator;
- collapse the Navigator tree to the root level;
- synchronize the active Metadata Editor with the element in the Database Navigator.
- The Database Navigator view can be set for every user separately.
- The new menu allows you to:
- Connection form:
- SSH public key support has been added.
- Local configuration:
- Table data editing can be disabled;
- Driver access to the file system can be limited;
- Specific IP addresses can be set for the CloudBeaver instance.
- The dialog with available shortcuts can be opened from the top menu.
- The new tab’s context menu allows users to close all opened tabs or a group of tabs.
- Tables can be exported with applied filters and sorting.
- Users will be informed of the number of displayed elements is limited in the Navigator tree or the Metadata Editor.
- Theme settings can be configured and saved for every user separately.
- User IDs have been added to the logs.
- Xms and Xmx environment variables can be set for the CloudBeaver instance.
- A lot of small bug fixes, enhancements and improvements have been made.
- New buttons have been added to the Database Navigator menu:
- "Collapse all" collapses the Navigator tree to the root level,
- "Link with editor" synchronizes the active Metadata Editor with the element in the Database Navigator.
- The Navigator tree informs the user if the number of displayed elements is limited.
- Table data editing can be disabled in the configuration file.
- User IDs have been added to the logs.
- Different small bugs have been fixed.
- The Database Navigator menu allows you to:
- filter objects in the Database Navigator,
- set the Database Navigator view for every user separately.
- Parsing of scripts with delimiters has been improved in the SQL Editor.
- The dialog with available shortcuts can be opened in the top menu.
- The specific IP address can be set for the CloudBeaver instance in configuration files.
- Different small bugs have been fixed.
- SSH public key support is added.
- New tab's context menu allows users to close all opened tabs or a group of tabs.
- Theme settings can be configured and saved for every user separately.
- Arrays can be edited in the Data Editor.
- Xms and Xmx environment variables can be set for the CloudBeaver instance.
Changes since 21.2.0
- Data Editor:
- Table rows can be duplicated.
- Hotkeys are added for table editing.
- Confirmation is required to close or refresh a table with unsaved changes.
- XML values can be edited.
- SQL Editor:
- SQL formatting is available.
- Scripts can be downloaded and uploaded.
- The SQL Editor can be opened in a separate browser tab.
- Metadata Editor:
- Objects DDL can be saved to an external file.
- Administration:
- Instructions to update the CloudBeaver version are available for administrators.
- The server easy configuration is simplified.
- Deleting of roles with assigned users is prohibited.
- Local configuration:
- The following limits can be set:
- the size of exported files,
- the number of fetched table rows,
- the number of executable queries at the same time.
- The possibility to edit database objects can be disabled.
- User access information can be stored in a local database.
- The following limits can be set:
- The current user information is available in the Profile at the top menu.
- Chinese UI localization is supported.
- DB2 iSeries driver is added.
- A lot of small bug fixes, enhancements and improvements have been made.
- SQL formatting is available in the SQL Editor.
- Confirmation is required to refresh a table with unsaved changes.
- Following limits can be set in the configuration file:
- the size of exported files,
- the number of fetched table rows,
- the number of executable queries at the same time.
- Different bugs have been fixed.
- Objects DDL can be saved to an external file from the Metadata Editor.
- The SQL Editor can be opened in a separate browser tab.
- The possibility to edit database objects can be disabled in the configuration file.
- DB2 iSeries driver has been added.
- Different bug fixes and improvements have been made.
- Scripts can be downloaded and uploaded in the SQL Editor.
- The current user information is available in the Profile at the top menu.
- Page refresh doesn't affect the navigator tree view.
- Different bug fixes and improvements are made.
- Deleting of roles with assigned users has been prohibited.
- “Select all” checkboxes have been added to simplify access management.
- The SQL Editor highlighting has been improved.
- Different bugs have been fixed.
Changes since 21.1.0
The Metadata Editor and the Navigator tree:
- Objects can be deleted and renamed.
- SQL Scripts generation is available in the objects’ context menu.
The SQL Editor:
- Option to run SQL Scripts is implemented.
- Auto-complete is improved.
The Administration part:
- Role management is added.
The Data Editor:
- Possibility to add and delete rows was added.
- The SQL script preview is available after making changes and before saving or discarding them.
- Radio buttons are added to the Value panel to edit Boolean values.
The Connection form:
- The database and SSH credentials can be entered to test connections.
Session expiration notifications were improved.
Possibility to skip the Easy configuration step according to the configuration was added.
A lot of small bug fixes, enhancements and improvements are made.
- Objects can be deleted and renamed via UI.
- SQL Scripts generation is available in the objects’ context menu.
- Connected and disconnected databases are divided into 2 groups in the SQL Editor.
- Other UI improvements have been made.
- Role management is added.
- Context menu is available in the Metadata Editor.
- Different UI bugs have been fixed.
- Table rows can be created and deleted from the Data Editor.
- It is possible to preview scripts in the Data Editor.
- The dialog to enter the credentials appears when you test connections.
- Different UI bugs have been fixed.
- Option to run SQL Scripts is implemented.
- Radio buttons are added to the Value panel to edit Boolean values.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements are made.
- The new notification way prevents users from working after session expiration.
- The option to skip the Easy configuration step can be configured.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements are made.
Changes since 21.0.0
- Navigation tree:
- User's and shared connections are divided into different groups.
- Connection form:
- Read-only connections are marked in the connection form.
- It is possible to show and hide password in the connection dialog.
- Data editor:
- New actions are available from the context menu:
- filtering
- ordering
- cell editing.
- Support for different formats is added to the Value panel.
- Work with links is improved:
- Links to the web pages can be opened from the tables
- Links to the pictures are automatically transformed to the pictures on the Value panel.
- It is possible to edit Boolean values as checkboxes in the tables.
- Read-only columns and tables are marked in the result set.
- New actions are available from the context menu:
- SQL editor:
- Query execution plan is added.
- Database logos are displayed in the top menu selector.
- Auto-complete for the SQL dialects works automatically.
- Log viewer:
- Detailed information for errors is opened on the panel.
- Administration part:
- Access management for users and connections is improved.
- It is possible to change the user password from the public part of CloudBeaver.
- New design for dialogs is implemented.
- Possibility to export data for users can be configured.
- A lot of UI fixes, enhancements and improvements are made.
- Query execution plan was added.
- Option to show/hide password in the connection dialog was added.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements.
- Filtering and Ordering from the context menu were added for the data editor .
- Read-only columns and result sets were marked in the data editor.
- Possibility to remove data export feature from UI was added.
- CloudBeaver docker image is based on Ubuntu Slim now.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements.
- User's and shared connections are divided to different groups in the navigation tree.
- New design for authentication and driver properties dialogs was applied.
- Management for administrators' accounts was improved.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements.
- Database logos were added to the top menu selector.
- New panel to show error details were added to Log Viewer.
- Read-only connections were marked in the connection details form.
- New design for dialogs was implemented.
- Minor UI fixes and improvements.
Changes since 20.0.0:
- Navigation tree:
- Simple and advanced view for database objects
- Show system objects option
- Connection form:
- New drivers: Oracle, SQL Server, Trino (Presto), Derby Server
- SSH support
- Editing for manual connections
- Custom fields for advanced connection settings
- Connection form redesign
- Fixes for the name duplicates and deletion of the template connections
- Data editor:
- Value panel for data review and editing
- Spatial data viewer
- Sorting indication for the data grid
- Performance improvements
- SQL editor:
- Improvements for autosuggest and highlighting
- Log viewer:
- Quick review for the error details
- All errors and warnings on the panel
- New page with the product information
- Administration part:
- Redesign for the authentication engine
- Server re-configuration without re-login
- Additional labels for the connections with SSH
- A lot of UI fixes, enhancements and improvements.
- Value panel for Data Viewer was added: a full text of your cell value on a special panel to view and edit.
- Spatial data support was added: single and multi objects can be shown on a map.
- Possibility to Show or Hide system objects was added to the context menu in the Navigator.
- All product information can be found in public settings.
- A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements.
- New design for the connection form
- Possibility to edit connections created manually in the public part of the application
- SSH support for connections in public part of the application
- Possibility to deny credentials saving
- Drivers for MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 LUW, Derby, Trino (Presto SQL)
- Performance improvements for data grid
- A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements
- New drivers are included in CloudBeaver CE: Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2 LUW, Derby, Trino (Presto SQL)
- Simple view for the Navigation Tree is added
- Custom properties fields are added in the Connection dialog
- SSH support is added
- Shortcuts for Mac are improved
- Possibility to cancel data loading is available in data editor
- SQL Editor autosuggest and highlighting are improved
- A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements
- Notifications about the users and connections source are added to administration pages
- Connection name can be set in the New connection dialog
- Multiple execution context creation is fixed for SQL Editor
- Easy access to server logs was added for administrator (/api/logs/)
- Unsupported objects was hidden
- Primary keys editing was fixed
- Objects limit is added for Navigation Tree
- SQL Editor autosuggest is improved
- A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements
- New loading screen is added
- All connections and tabs are restored after re-login
- Active connections are highlighted in the Navigation tree
- Administration panel is improved:
- Administration page is available when the general authentication is disabled (/#/admin)
- Authentication and manual connections is enabled by default in the easy-configuration mode
- All notifications are redesigned
- A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements
- Docker environment support was added
- Filter panel was added in data editor
- User authentication and roles were added
- Administration panel was added:
- Server management
- Connection management
- Automatic search of databases
- User management
- A lot of minor fixes and improvements
- Connection management and authentication redesign
- Webpack build minimization
- A lot of minor UI improvements
- Many minor UI improvements
- Database navigator refresh
- Data viewer: filters support
- Many minor UI improvements
- Administrative panel
- User management
- Authentication model redesign
- Build artifacts minimization
- Many minor UI improvements
- Data export feature UI was improved
- User authentication and permission management
- Driver management was redesigned
- Clickhouse driver was added
- Build procedure was redesigned
- Many minor bugfixes
- Data export feature added to the data viewer
- H2 embedded database driver was added
- User authentication API was added
- Product configuration framework and API was added
- Embedded database for user management was added
- Many minor bugfixes