This is a android app for manage Smart Mirror System.
Rorrim is a smart system that provides personalized service with Deep-Learning based face classification.
You can find other program's source in..
Face Classification : User logs in to the system through face recognition (based on Deep-Learning)
Voice Recognition : All functions can be executed with the voice command.
All functions can be turned on/off by application.
Clock : provide current time
Weather : provide current weather according to location
path : provide a route to your destination
Music : play music for each user
Calendar : show calendar for each user
News : show news of the appropriate topic for each user
You can login with your google account.
tap '별명등록' button to register your name for Smart Mirror system.
tap '현재위치' button to register current location.
tap '카메라' or '앨범' button to register photo for Face ID.
tap '거울등록' button to synchronize with Mirror hardware.
Chose a function to manage from the menu bar.
If you want to build from source just do
git clone
In Android Studio selection "Open an Existing Android Studio Project"
- Firebase
- Oauth 2.0
- Google Calendar API
- AppCompat
- Data Binding
- Retrofit 2