A tool designed to easily convert VRChat/Unity-humanoid Avatar armature bone names to NeosVR ones with a single button.
Download here: VRC2Neos Blender Plugin
- Rename bones (VRChat/Unity-humanoid => NeosVR)
- Blender 2.80 or above
- Download the plugin: VRC2Neos Blender Plugin
- Important: Do NOT extract the downloaded zip! You will need the zip file during installation!
- Install the addon in blender like so:
- This shows Blender 3.30.
- Check your 3d view and there should be a new menu item called VRC2Neos
Name | Alternative | Description |
Hips | This is the Hips bone. | |
LeftUpperLeg | UpperLeg_L | This is the Left Upper Leg bone. |
RightUpperLeg | UpperLeg_R | This is the Right Upper Leg bone. |
LeftLowerLeg | LowerLeg_L | This is the Left Knee bone. |
RightLowerLeg | LowerLeg_R | This is the Right Knee bone. |
LeftFoot | Foot_L | This is the Left Ankle bone. |
RightFoot | Foot_R | This is the Right Ankle bone. |
Spine | This is the first Spine bone. | |
Chest | This is the Chest bone. | |
UpperChest | This is the Upper Chest bone. | |
Neck | This is the Neck bone. | |
Head | This is the Head bone. | |
LeftShoulder | Shoulder_L | This is the Left Shoulder bone. |
RightShoulder | Shoulder_R | This is the Right Shoulder bone. |
LeftUpperArm | UpperArm_L | This is the Left Upper Arm bone. |
RightUpperArm | UpperArm_R | This is the Right Upper Arm bone. |
LeftLowerArm | LowerArm_L | This is the Left Elbow bone. |
RightLowerArm | LowerArm_R | This is the Right Elbow bone. |
LeftHand | Hand_R | This is the Left Wrist bone. |
RightHand | Hand_L | This is the Right Wrist bone. |
LeftToes | Toe_L | This is the Left Toes bone. |
RightToes | Toe_R | This is the Right Toes bone. |
LeftEye | This is the Left Eye bone. | |
RightEye | This is the Right Eye bone. | |
Jaw | This is the Jaw bone. | |
LeftThumbProximal | Thumb1_L | This is the left thumb 1st phalange. |
LeftThumbIntermediate | Thumb2_L | This is the left thumb 2nd phalange. |
LeftThumbDistal | Thumb3_L | This is the left thumb 3rd phalange. |
LeftIndexProximal | Index1_R | This is the left index 1st phalange. |
LeftIndexIntermediate | Index2_R | This is the left index 2nd phalange. |
LeftIndexDistal | Index3_R | This is the left index 3rd phalange. |
LeftMiddleProximal | Middle1_L | This is the left middle 1st phalange. |
LeftMiddleIntermediate | Middle2_L | This is the left middle 2nd phalange. |
LeftMiddleDistal | Middle3_L | This is the left middle 3rd phalange. |
LeftRingProximal | Ring1_L | This is the left ring 1st phalange. |
LeftRingIntermediate | Ring2_L | This is the left ring 2nd phalange. |
LeftRingDistal | Ring3_L | This is the left ring 3rd phalange. |
LeftLittleProximal | Pinky1_L | This is the left little 1st phalange. |
LeftLittleIntermediate | Pinky2_L | This is the left little 2nd phalange. |
LeftLittleDistal | Pinky3_L | This is the left little 3rd phalange. |
RightThumbProximal | Thumb1_R | This is the right thumb 1st phalange. |
RightThumbIntermediate | Thumb2_R | This is the right thumb 2nd phalange. |
RightThumbDistal | Thumb3_R | This is the right thumb 3rd phalange. |
RightIndexProximal | Index1_R | This is the right index 1st phalange. |
RightIndexIntermediate | Index2_R | This is the right index 2nd phalange. |
RightIndexDistal | Index3_R | This is the right index 3rd phalange. |
RightMiddleProximal | Middle1_R | This is the right middle 1st phalange. |
RightMiddleIntermediate | Middle2_R | This is the right middle 2nd phalange. |
RightMiddleDistal | Middle3_R | This is the right middle 3rd phalange. |
RightRingProximal | Ring1_R | This is the right ring 1st phalange. |
RightRingIntermediate | Ring2_R | This is the right ring 2nd phalange. |
RightRingDistal | Ring3_R | This is the right ring 3rd phalange. |
RightLittleProximal | Pinky1_R | This is the right little 1st phalange. |
RightLittleIntermediate | Pinky2_R | This is the right little 2nd phalange. |
RightLittleDistal | Pinky3_R | This is the right little 3rd phalange. |