A simple CLI expense tracker application to manage your finances
- Adding an expense with a description and amount.
- Updating an expense.
- Deleting an expense.
- Listing all expenses.
- Summary of all expenses.
- Summary of expenses for a specific month (of current year).
Ensure the GO SDK is installed
go install github.com/hayohtee/expense-tracker@latest
Ensure the GO SDK is installed
- Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:hayohtee/expense-tracker.git
- Change into the project directory
cd expense-tracker
- Compile
go build -o expense-tracker main.go
$ expense-tracker add --description "Lunch" --amount 20
# Expense added successfully (ID: 1)
$ expense-tracker add --description "Dinner" --amount 10
# Expense added successfully (ID: 2)
$ expense-tracker list
# ID Date Description Amount
# 1 2024-08-06 Lunch $20
# 2 2024-08-06 Dinner $10
$ expense-tracker summary
# Total expenses: $30
$ expense-tracker delete --id 2
# Expense deleted successfully
$ expense-tracker summary
# Total expenses: $20
$ expense-tracker summary --month 8
# Total expenses for August: $20
Solution to the Task Tracker project on roadmap.sh